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Comment Geologic Ice Age (Score -1, Flamebait) 987

How can we be living in a geologic ice age and be worried about global warming? And I watched a show on science channel the other night that said trees were becoming less dominant (giving way to grasses like bamboo) because the co2 level were so low. It makes little sense to me, it's either one or the other.

Comment Pay 3 times for the same bandwidth? (Score 1) 150

Customers like end-users content providers pay for bandwidth access. And Netflix for example and it's users are customers are due what they have paid for. Anything else is extortion. Seriously, why dangle higher speeds in front of customers if you aren't allowing them to use it? Don't sell what you have no intention of supporting. Paying a third time for extra guaranteed bandwidth is nothing but extortion when you are threatening the content providers income.

Submission + - What is the Real Cause of Increasing Autism Rates

An anonymous reader writes: Many people blame increasing autism rates on vaccines. Some experts say that it is easier on parents for them to have a child with a fatal disease than to have autism. According to PubMed, vitamin D is a neurosteroid hormone. Enough vitamin D helps the body to get rid of toxins. Toxins have been linked to autism.

Michael Holick Ph.D., M.D. says that there is a pandemic (widespread epidemic) of vitamin D deficiency. Three causes of it is people living far from the equator (unlike our ancestors), not spending enough time out in sunlight and using sunscreen. Psychology Today has an article saying that rising depression rates are due to the use of sunscreen.

As people live further from the equator, the rates of autism go up. PubMed and Psychology Today say that most of the autism (some of it is genetic) is caused by pregnant mothers and babies not getting enough vitamin D. http://chuck-bluestein.hubpage... So people can take vitamin D supplements and hope that they are getting enough or get more sunlight from the sun of God or God's sun.

Submission + - The era of Facebook is an anomaly (

An anonymous reader writes: Speaking to The Verge, author and Microsoft Researcher Danah Boyd put words to a feeling I've had about Facebook and other social networking sites for a while, now: 'The era of Facebook is an anomaly.' She continues, 'The idea of everybody going to one site is just weird. Give me one other part of history where everybody shows up to the same social space. Fragmentation is a more natural state of being. Is your social dynamic interest-driven or is it friendship-driven? Are you going there because there’s this place where other folks are really into anime, or is this the place you’re going because it’s where your pals from school are hanging out? That first [question] is a driving function.' Personally, I hope this idea continues to propagate — it's always seemed odd that our social network identities are locked into certain websites. Imagine being a Comcast customer and being unable to email somebody using Time Warner, or a T-Mobile subscriber who can't call somebody who's on Verizon. Why do we allow this with our social networks?

Submission + - Steam Controller Drops Touchscreen (

An anonymous reader writes: Last year Valve announced a new game controller that was trying to innovate on the designs that have been with us for over a decade now. The biggest changes were replacing analog sticks with circular touchpads and plopping a small touchscreen into the middle of the controller. Valve has now revamped their prototype hardware, and the touchscreen is nowhere to be seen. In its place are stop/play buttons (which appear similar to start/select buttons) and a bigger Steam logo button. They've also moved around the directional and ABXY buttons, reverting to a more traditional layout (picture). They'll be demonstrating the latest prototype next week at GDC.

Submission + - Bill Gates: Snowden is No Hero!

hcs_$reboot writes: In a lengthy interview from Rolling Stone, Bill Gates, among many other subjects, is asked: "Do you consider [Snowden] a hero or a traitor?". The Microsoft founder answers: "I certainly wouldn't characterize him as a hero (...) You won't find much admiration from me".
What about Government Surveillance? "The government has such ability to do these things. (...) But the specific techniques they use become unavailable if they're discussed in detail"
Rolling Stone retorts that Privacy can be an issue, "We want safety, but we also want privacy" says the journalist. Bill Gates's tells his main priority focuses on stopping the bad guys: "let's say you knew nothing was going on. How would you feel? I mean, seriously. I would be very worried. Technology arms the bad guys with orders of magnitude more [power]. Not just bad guys. Crazy guys."

Submission + - NASA-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse?

Snirt writes: A new study sponsored by Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilization could collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution.

Noting that warnings of 'collapse' are often seen to be fringe or controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical data showing that "the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history." Cases of severe civilisational disruption due to "precipitous collapse — often lasting centuries — have been quite common."

Submission + - Inventor has waited 43-years for patent approval

An anonymous reader writes: If you think the average wait of 28.3 months for a patent to be approved is ridiculous, don't complain to Gilbert P. Hyatt. The 76-year-old inventor has been waiting over forty years for a ruling on whether his electronic signal to control machinery should be granted a patent. "It's totally unconscionable," said Brad Wright, a patent lawyer with Banner & Witcoff in Washington who specializes in computer-related applications and isn't involved in Hyatt's case. "The patent office doesn't want to be embarrassed that they might issue a broad patent that would have a sweeping impact on the technology sector. Rather than be embarrassed, they're just bottling it up."

Comment Then we should discount other studies too? (Score 2) 560

Using your comments. We should also cancel out avid atheists too then? I'd be curious to see if there are any REAL people in the middle when it comes to scientists in either way. In same same vein, we should cancel out studies by scientist who get paid to do studies by any person, organization or government that wants to prove global warming is man made. Try to find some real neutrality by honestly curious scientist, I'm wondering if you really could.

Comment Lawyer says what? (Score 0, Offtopic) 162

Am I to understand, that a lawyer is complaining about something sleazy and underhanded? Really? A lawyer? The same guys who sleaze their way to the top, then get political jobs so they can sleazy their way to the top again? They are the ones complaining about something possible being sleazy happening to them? Really? Let me get you a tissue.

Submission + - Antarctic ice shelf melt 'lowest EVER recorded (

nefus writes: Scientists at the British Antarctic Survey say that the melting of the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf in Antarctica has suddenly slowed right down in the last few years, confirming earlier research which suggested that the shelf's melt does not result from human-driven global warming.

Submission + - Senator Bernie Sanders Asks NSA If Agency Is Spying On Congress ( 3

cold fjord writes: Fox News reports, "A U.S. senator on Friday pressed the National Security Agency on whether its controversial spying practices extend to monitoring members of Congress. “Has the NSA spied, or is the NSA currently spying, on members of Congress or other American elected officials?” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., asked in a letter to NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander released from the senator’s office. Sanders, a self-described “democratic socialist,” defines spying as monitoring the phone calls, emails and internet traffic of elected officials."

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