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Comment Re:Just be prudent although... (Score 3, Interesting) 39

I'm not posting this AC, and will take the karma hit off need be.

So with that, let me say that I hope you die of some horrible cancer that makes you smell like rancid cat shit, so awful that your own mother hopes you die, but you don't, and just linger on, more foul and corrupted with each passing day, becoming as vile and repugnant on the outside as you are on the inside.

Comment Re:so....why? (Score 1, Insightful) 94

Well, thanks for showing up to tell us. It's so good of you to come on to a topic that you believe completely does not belong on /. to tell us how it does not not belong on /. You are a true champion through and through! Now use your powers to find out if that pack of 100 jelly beans in fact has 100 jelly beans, or 99 or 103.

America needs people like you!

Comment Re:people even read the article? (Score 1, Insightful) 171

And here come the psuedo-skeptics to attack anyone who even dares suggest what is in the interests of commercial entities may not entirely be in the interests of the wider society. I mean, God would never allow a universe to exist where humans could fuck themselves over. God wants unconstrained industries doing whatever the fuck they want, and we should just go and fucking kill anyone who ever even hints that maybe unconstrained resource extraction might possibly kind of potentially cause problems. Environmentalists are the only evil, and God loves money, CEOs, Koch brothers and AC's who post on Internet sites to condemn any concerns.

Oh, and Al Gore rapes bunnies!!!!!

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If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
