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Comment That's a right-wing trick to privatize education (Score 1) 88

So they can suck down profits. And it's going to fuck your community and your property values. Voters are finding out fast that when you gut public schools the parents leave and take their money with them. Unintended consequences.

It's like those idiots that defunded their government and suddenly their town was full of bears because they didn't have any money to pay for wildlife control. Libertarian Paradise sounds great until you're actually living it

Comment Anger fueling clickbait article (Score 1) 29

This is a run of the mill sentence reduction for good behavior. It was fully expected. She'd have gotten the same treatment no matter what, it's completely normal.

This is the "Velma Season 2" of clickbait. Something to get your blood boiling so you're get angry and click and comment and engage with all these "fun" advertisements!

Learn to spot these things. Find some good articles and/or videos on media literacy if you haven't already. You're being made into a fool.

Comment Re:So, the "food pyramid" is a lie? (Score 1) 57

> Meat is good food, and humans evolved to live on a diet high in meat content

That's not true. Even before mass agriculture, meat was roughly 20% of a human diet. Mass agriculture made it more like 7%, and our biology did evolve around that because agriculture was a population multiplier.

Lots of whole grains with a smidgen of random fruits, vegetables, and bits of meat is what human stomachs prefer.

Comment Same with Facetwitter (Score 1) 150

Americans are getting their political news from Tiktok, that means China can absolutely do a shadow campaign to sway American's to effectively do their bidding.

If they can do a shadow campaign and not get caught, they could also do it on Facebook et al. I'm sure they have moles in other media co's.

Since they wouldn't be allowed to directly fiddle with the tech, they'd get moles to do it, and moles can be in any co. In fact it would be easier to hide moles at Facebook because they'd have less scrutiny per spying. Spying 101: don't hang around where the other side expects you to hang around.

I see no material difference.

Comment Re:Is China covered by the US constitution? (Score 1) 150

> If I want to band together 500 people in my area to lobby the government on something we want to enact are we not allowed a voice in that effort?

Each person is given a limit and can only donate up to the limit. The org can coordinate the collection of money and paperwork, but should not control it.

Democracy is for people, not buildings.

Comment This is a common trick mega corps use (Score 4, Insightful) 88

Set impossible standards, fire anyone that doesn't meet them, pretend you care about safety and blame the workers when the shit hits the fan.

Wells Fargo did the same thing and got nailed to the wall for it. They set impossible sales targets and cut back on monitoring the employees and then when the employees cheated to keep their jobs (it was 2008, everyone was pretty desperate) they said "oh, we follow all the rules, it's those dastardly employees!".

We didn't buy it when Wells Fargo pulled it and we're not buying it now.

This is why you need Unions. Unions call management on this bullshit all the time. Boeing has a union, but it's too weak to stand up to management after decades of Ergonomics.

Comment Re:I've a better idea (Score 1) 116

> come up with some original sci-fi for a change

I doubt there is much "original sci fi"; the vast majority of plots have appeared in at least one sci publication or another. And intellectual movies are a hard sell. They need to "make sense" on 3 beers and mass popcorn munching. (I looove movie popcorn.)

Yes, I realize there are exceptions, but it's hard to "just invent" yet another exception on command.

Disney will have to experiment, and eat the cost of failed experiments for a while. They over-did Star Wars and super-heroes, so they need a new groove...

Comment Arkane sadly made sense (Score 1, Flamebait) 40

The game is kind of a disaster. Little surprise to see you guys behind high five Rush get taken out. Sales looked extremely good. But I guess good enough is never good enough.

And bottom line we're going to keep having layoffs across the entire economy until interest rates are cut because that's the point of raising interest rates. It's Clearly not helping inflation. Multiple studies show inflation is caused by price gouging from monopolies. But the guy that runs the Federal reserve wants 3.5 million layoffs. He said as much under oath.

What gets me is the number of people who think it doesn't affect them. Absolutely everybody thinks they're not going to be the one that gets laid off.

Comment I can tell you're not American (Score 1) 78

Russian? Iranian? Doesn't really matter you're not American. We do not give a flying fuck about foreign policy. There was a concerted effort from Arab American voters to show up for the primary to try and get Joe Biden's attention but the fact is it's not like those voters aren't painfully aware that if Donald Trump is reelected it doesn't matter if they're native born or not they're getting deported. Where? Do you really think Trump cares where he deports them to?

so those voters are going to show up and vote for Joe Biden because they are well organized and highly politically aware and the rest of Americans couldn't care less what's going on in Gaza. Americans do not vote based on foreign policy. And if there's another 9/11 you can damn well bet that Joe Biden will win reelection in the landslide the same way Bush Jr did.

It's all kind of fucked up and it would be nice if we would do more for people in the Middle East after all the shit we've done to them but then again the same is true for about every country we have meddled with.

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