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Comment Re:3 million comments from 300 million citizens (Score 1) 336

That means about 1% of the public thought it was worth commenting on. That's not enough to make a lot of waves unless that 1% is planning to make a lot of campaign donations or something.

Or if they are fucking nutters. This is larger than the percentage of Muslims in the USA but look at all the concessions they get.

Comment Re:Texas, land of the derp. (Score 0) 258

If any states residents contracted ebola, Id not be surprised if they were from Texas. We're talking about a state that thinks life begins at conception and rainfall will occur if you just pray for it. Its a wild, magical place where homosexuality can be cured but global warming is a hoax. A fantastic wonderland where Texas legislator Jodie Laubenberg thinks rape kits cause abortions and most residents think the president is a secret kenyan. at the end of the day in texas the miracle of life is no more complex than creation science saddleback rides on dinosaurs.

Lets just hope they don't try and cure it by the "laying on of hands".

Comment Do you mean (Score 1) 577

Do you mean that there are people who don't completely reinstall their computer with a different OS every few months, struggle to get all the devices working, then when its finally stable see some other distribution that looks worth a try?

Comment I put it down to this (Score 4, Interesting) 145

This is the dumbest thing. You've been able to renew your tax disc online for years now and the site's always been fine. You don't have to replace you're existing paper disc until it expires so I don't understand how they've taken a functional site, added barely any additional load and made it fall over.

I put it down to many sites saying that anyone can check any cars status on the government's vehicle inquiry service (currently down). Loads of people want to check whether their friends and neighbours cars are legal.

Comment Re:Simple answer (Score 1) 942

If you tell them 100 is the hottest summer day and 0 is the coldest winter one, they'll have a pretty good idea that halfway between, 50, is roughly the average temperature during spring and fall.

I think you would find that given this description most people in the UK would have a totally wrong impression of the scale.

Comment Re:taught not use (Score 2) 942

He said taught, not use. There is a massive difference. Personally don't see the harm in that at all.

He was responding to the point that "Schools should teach pupils mainly in imperial and not metric measurements". I have nothing against teaching arcane units, in fact I find it interesting - but to stop teaching metric is just plain stupid

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