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Comment why do they even care? (Score 1) 160

The gov cares as the pay TV monopoly zones see having their wealth protected from all other providers.
You pay for months of pay tv to enjoy a new show per season. You dont get to enjoy each show from another nations computer company in near real time.
So expect to see a lot of pay tv efforts locally and internationally to protect each networked thiefdom .

Comment What on earth would be the purpose for this? (Score 1) 176

It makes searching domestic telco data legal under the "reasonable articulable suspicion" part.
A few hops of friends or the wrong net logs or phone history and most people could be found to be an "agent of a foreign power, associated with an agent of a foreign power, or "in contact with, or known to, a suspected agent of a foreign power"".
Then you get all the metadata legally. The old standard of a "reasonable articulable suspicion" is much lowered by easy new domestic color of law :)
No judge needed and you get the first two hops of tracking friends/family for free. The "foreign power" part ensures any contact with the outside world is an instant total data collection win. Bulk collection is now legal and the laws around it weaker re your internet or financial records. The three hop 'the corporate store" collections showed the real past efforts safe from any Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
The House's NSA bill could allow more spying than ever. You call this reform? (26 March 2014)
Raiding the "Corporate Store": The NSA's Unfettered Access to a Vast Pool of Americans' Phone Data (08/02/2013)
Welcome to the legal lock box of all your calls and aspects of your net use over decades.

Comment Who does the NSA report to? (Score 1) 176

Yes they are really only part of the intelligence community and report to each other. Mass surveillance programs brings new funding and political standing in that growing community. To have data and present it before other agencies is the only political win. No more doing limited support work of other appropriate agencies, via mass surveillance programs they get to set and shape real missions.
A change, new role, more power and more funding over other traditional agencies.
The problem is nations or groups worth real surveillance have be aware of the UK/US telco tech efforts since the 1950-60's so costly mass surveillance is the only method to keep the funds flowing and projects growing.
Will domestic mass surveillance be stopped? No it will be renamed, offered as support for other law enforcement tasks, hidden deep in the mil or passed to the UK or Canada. After a few project name changes all will be good again as it was after legal questions in the 1970's.
"Church Committee"

Comment Re:News for whom? (Score 1) 582

Some AC sockpuppets really, really want another long war somewhere. Iraq, Somalia, what was Yugoslavia, Pakistan, Libya, Afghanistan with occupations, drones, shared sites, pirate/rebel hunt, training missions, pipeline protection, base help just will not keep the gov and private military industrial complex going. They need to sell and rent seek on an endless "Cold" war scale again.
So expect to see a flood of perfectly packaged news stories from different regions hinting at the need for constant support, spending, supplies, experts and boots on the ground for decades.

Comment Re:How would that be even helpful? (Score 1) 133

Re "plant from the early 60s relates here"
Plants often come form nuclear reactor designs and prototypes from the 1950's and 1960's.
We are now seeing the results of a very old sector trying to rebuild itself with new parts. Replacement steam generator plugging (failed pressure test and needed to be plugged). We have seen issues with air tightness of the reactor containments, issues in the re circulation pipe systems, cracks in the core shroud.
Then you have the complex costs of cleaning out a boiling water reactor and a pressurized water reactor ie radioactive steam moves via the entire plant system, tritium leaks, spent fuel storage costs vs limited decommissioning funds. Moving to dry storage and then moving all the regular waste from decommissioning and dismantlement (disposal license). The old plants waste size adds up and all you have a few Class A waste sites? Class B and C waste with more long-lived and short-lived radionuclides can just wait? Weld anomalies, through wall corrosion, corrosion of steel containments, walls of steel containments below the minimum design thickness. The old plants have containment degradation, metal pressure boundary corrosion incidents. Add in the fun of uprated license extensions to 2040+ with a power increase (Stretched Power Uprate).

Comment Re:Secret evidence for secret trials (Score 1) 120

Re "Doesn't sound very constitutional to me. What have we become?"
In the past the GCHQ would do everything it could to stay out of court closed or open. No methods, no logs, no experts with no pasts to confirm documents as found, decrypted.
Any information gathered would have to be undergo parallel construction by other services or methods to remove any signal or decoding aspects.
The problem for the US is the very public talk of " all the phone records into a lockbox" to be reconstructed anytime over a persons life.
Within the US there is limited access to the top political policy setting. Other groups within the US domestic and more international law enforcement may not like a signals conversation with the public.
What the GCHQ only had to fend off every few decades in the UK with policy makers is now very public in the USA - total mastery of global telecommunications network with generational storage.
Slowly the other aspect is becoming more public too: "European Court Says CIA Ran Secret Jail in a Polish Forest" (July 24, 2014)
Its the age old use of signals intelligence - never tell the public and it is perfect. The problem for the USA is so many groups are now using signals intelligence that they all want the big wins in public and closed trials.
The problem is once signals intelligence gets out in court at a city, state, federal level - the magic stops. Every court connected member of the press, legal profession, law enforcement suddenly has a story to sell, tell or whisper.
Anybody who needs to know about crime and signals intelligence can then just buy the methods and drop out.
What did the UK learn early on? Dont give political leaders raw information about the Soviet Union - ever. Dont go to court over spies - ever. Dont go to court over leaks, whistleblowers or tell all books or for peace activists.
The UK knows the stories then just drop away from the front pages and drift off into academic books with very limited print runs.
The real unknown is the US cyber industrial complex with products to sell, rent and look after in every city and state if lobbied.
The West has become one big signals intelligence marketplace and laws need to be relaxed to enjoy new sales :)

Comment Re:Goddammit Tony Abbott (Score 2) 128

The US has its own plans (Jul 24 2014)
Read what the US gov could do in the first 10 page pdf:
"amend the law to create a felony penalty for unauthorized Internet streaming. Specifically, we recommend the creation of legislation to establish a felony charge for infringement through unauthorised public performances conducted for commercial advantage or private financial gain,”"
and for the international friends:
"diplomatic and trade-based pressure"

Submission + - Nuclear Plants Should Focus on Risks Posed by External Events ( 1

mdsolar writes: "Engineers at American nuclear plants have been much better at calculating the risk of an internal problem that would lead to an accident than they have at figuring the probability and consequences of accidents caused by events outside a plant, a report released Thursday by the National Academy of Science said.

Accidents that American reactors are designed to withstand, like a major pipe break, are “stylized” and do not reflect the bigger source of risk, which is external, according to the study. That conclusion is one of the major lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, which began after an earthquake at sea caused a tsunami."

NAS Report:

Comment Re:AU needs an occupy movement (Score 1) 128

All that happened in the USA was the protest leaders where identified, set up or turned. The rest is just busy work.
COINTELPRO has never worked so well.
As for Australia, watching all law reform groups is trivial for the police and security services.
The traction the anti Vietnam war draft movement had in Australia will never be allowed to build for any issue.

Comment Re:Goddammit Tony Abbott (Score 2) 128

I thought ASIO malware was only going to be reserved for the "suspected terrorists and other security interests" and only "...used in extremely limited circumstances and only when explicitly approved by the Attorney-General through a warrant."
One Australia wide warrant for all p2p users then?
Be fun to see how the mass use of state sanction zero day malware interacts with average consumer grade heuristic analysis in your average consumer antivirus program?
Will all the AV brands selling in Australia be expected to whitelist for ASIO?

Comment Re:Goddammit Tony Abbott (Score 4, Interesting) 128

How will it work? A national block on a huge set of p2p index sites? A national block on a huge set of download link index sites?
What more can an isp be commanded do? Deep packet inspection for rar files as downloaded?
The long term logging of all users by isp to be automatically cross referenced with p2p tracking industry groups?
Issue a decree that Australian banks and related credit card products are not to pay for VPN or other encrypted services that hide users from their Australian isp?
Then have laws ready to send end users identified by the tame isp after the 2nd letter for state-mandated copyright awareness counseling?
A ban on the internet for users caught again? Or users kept away from the internet for a few months or years?
After all that hard legal work why not just allow other US or UK streaming media services into Australia? Let Australians buy access to any US or UK show, movie as in US or UK? Let them pay per show or per season from any US media provider they like.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 139

Who gets extra "privacy" from drone use?
The main fear is US state based "Ag-gag" anti-whistleblower laws eg Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act getting media attention.
The price of getting videos showing animal cruelty is dropping.
The price of getting videos showing hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" pollution dropping.
A lot of US states are trying to use laws like: 'Commerce Protection Act", "an act relating to agricultural facility fraud", "Livestock Operation Interference Act", "Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act", "Farm Animal and Research Facilities Protection Act", “visual or audio experience occurring at [an] animal facility.”
Just talking about federal law enforcement views around drones, HD media, size of drones, drone costs could alert national and state media to local stories as filler.
The best way out for the FBI is to redact all, no story, no media interest, no local press on their states expanding ag gag laws.

Comment Re:TOR is a US-backed project (Score 1) 98

Re the AC ' I do admit though that spies could also take advantage of it"
Read the origin papers the grants and funding:
"It was originally developed with the U.S. Navy in mind, for the primary purpose of protecting government communications."
The origins are Office of Naval Research and DARPA. Have a read of AC.
ie bi-directional gov/spy communication that would hide the source and destination from another gov or telco in the middle ie intelligence usage, security technology.
But once a system like that is seen in the wild, it is trackable. You need to hide that under huge amounts of people seeking free speech in oppressive regimes.
Follow the early no-bid federal contract, non-profit, pass through funding or gov funding.

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