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Comment Re: Suck it Millenials (Score 3, Funny) 407

I'm a millenial who works on mainframes you insensitive clod!

I had to bootstrap a PDP-8 in the Science building during college to complete my introductory programming assignments. That meant physically toggling in the octal sequence to start the high speed paper tape reader.

Now I'm not sure who should get off whose lawn.

Comment Re:I see no one else reporting this..... (Score 1) 68

Yep, the article states that it is speculation:

So let us speculate, too.

After 20-years in purgatory, one of gaming’s most heavily ridiculed peripherals of all time – the Virtual Boy – will be making a comeback. Yes gamers, the Virtual Boy 2 is set to be announced by Nintendo.

Of course it is!

Although they are definitely trying to couch their opinion as fact.

Comment Re:They must have used huge packaging... (Score 1) 62

'Chinese traders' trucks carried 20 copies of the film across the border the day after Christmas, just two days after its online release.'

So that would be 20 times about 2GB, which easily fits on one 64G usb-stick the size of an inch. What did they need the trucks for ?

There were extensive liner notes.

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