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Comment Re:OwnCloud / Seafile (Score 1) 212

While most of the nifty features are linked to the paying version Seafile seems quite cool, but I see basic users like me cannot install it as a php script on a shared server
I'm still using Owncloud, even not the last version, for daily syncs of a dozen machines from desktops to phones and tablets, and it has "just worked" for a couple of years now. Its only downpoint is, contrary to Dropbox no local-loop transfers are allowed (everything must transit through the server). This is related to the way Owncloud handles versioning; which is heavily discussed in their forums (, but if this feature does not bother you I see no other drawbacks.

Comment Re:passive insubordination (Score 1) 162

Remember, in NK even the radio receptors are controlled. (what they call a 'radio' indeed is an amplified loudspeaker connected to a *wire* coming to your house and bringing the only one state channel allowed. And possessing a real radio set ==> jail)
So, this leads to a situation where you really control everything known to your popuation.
Nobody in NK can even suspect we are having this discussion at this moment. Their only information channel tells them Cancer just has been cured, by a NK recipe, in african testings.
That's all they have, and yes, probably no reason to believe there is something else, and absolutely no reason to find it fantastic alas. Since the 'radio' tells them...

Comment European spacecrafts don't have muclear power! (Score 2) 419

After gulping the ad, you see a bunch of fossil photos from Philae, then a very basic pledge for embarking a small radioisotopic thermal generator (i. e. nuclear power).
This is silly twice.

First, because Philae is an entierely European craft, and there are just no space nuclear generators in Europe. You can call it wrong, but even on the European Huygens probe the much simpler nuclear *heaters* were US-provided.
Second, because the only available US RTGs are very big and heavy, and mass on this very light craft would totally have prevented to reuse an existing design. You can advocate one could have developed a miniature thing outputting just some watts. You would have been *wildly* out of budget.

So, well. A basic pledge for nuclear power in space, yes, be it good or bad.
But taking Philae as an example is a very wrong way to do get it. Self-deserving even, maybe.

Comment Re:Wow brilliant move (Score 1) 113

I agree -tiny minority, and I am not among them.
Blackberry in the first place wasn't some phone with a keyboard. The reason I bought mines was to keep safe from Google and Apple intrusions.
At this moment I'm using a Fairphone, whose android OS is rooted by default: well even with this flexibility and the walls and preventions it allows, I daily see how Google remains intrusive there.
But my next tablet, ordered, is a Jolla, and probably if the next Fairphone doesn't allow Jolla OS I may well switch to Jolla phones too.
I'd just never buy a Blackberry related to Google, even remotely.

Comment Re:There is no such thing as non-empirical science (Score 1) 364

Er, I think no indeed: you have to consider both space and time, and the black hole inner mass does deform the surrounding space (indeed that's how we do measure black hole masses)
It remains true that matter or information cannot escape, although some consider that for info the powerfull emissions happening when matter is torn just before the horizon does send back information...

Comment Re:maybe it is the ternary logical world changing (Score 1) 364

Ah, I found the reference: colloque de Cerisy, l'auto-organisation ('self-organizing'), presentation from the mathematician Maurice Milgram about the formalisms of randomness, and the associated discussion. 1981. I was a cool young student at the time ;-)
Milgram probably elaborated more on it since then; but I remember he indeed draw the three-zones diagram, in a very cool manner...

Comment maybe it is the ternary logical world changing too (Score 1) 364

I think the ternary world you describe, with its "not yet decided" area between the fully checked and the fully disproved zones, is something perfectly reasonable. I remember seeing it described in a french 'colloque de Cerisy' about complexity in the 80's.
The not yet decided zone is the most interesting territory, because its frontier is permanently moving, people continuously creating paths through it to 'extract' new verified or disproved items.
It's the main activity of Science to create these paths.
What is more worrying in the op, or at least the way we discuss it here, is the consideration of a part of the undecided zone as a 'will never be decidable but still so nice it sounds convincing', and the items in it becoming truths just because of that.
What is questioned here is the way you circulate around and through the frontier: up to now, the only vehicle was verification.
Now for some cosmologists, or so we are told, being a simpler or nicer idea would become enough.
This, if true, is a concern to me.
Not really because of Cosmology, btw : I can still remain sceptical there -more because, as some remarked, then any religion will postulate similar truths.

Comment Re:Yup (Score 1) 147

() I've found my group appreciates my coming by once a day to go through a list rather than multiple drop by's in a day.

I do agree with this, and prefer working with lists (action items, whatever).
But there are areas like emailed questions where you're almost certain if you ask two separate questions in the same text, you'll get only one reply, and even worse : your correspondent will be honestly certain he *did* react, no?

Comment start important things on paper? (Score 1) 147

I know it may sound absurd, but whe I have a really important synthesis to prepare, be it the mail-to-CEO, strategy-in-six-slide-for-the-team, last-time-to-convince-this-guy I start it with a pencil on paper.
How many points, in which order, oh I need to mention that there, no, earlier
And when my draft has become reasonably illegible, I can trash it and start typing, I know exactly what to do.
((in fact, to be honest, Idon't trash the paper before I'm done typing ;-) but I almost never come back to it))

Comment Re:I can kiss my Newton Messagepad goodbye? (Score 1) 124

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note that definitely accepts handwriting reasonably (and that, not being capable to gain root control, I'll abandon as soon as I find a reasonably open alternative).
On android you don't need Samsung techno anyway, you already have apps like Myscript Smartnotes (closed source but no Gapps) working as well...

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