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Comment Re:Simple Answers to Simple Questions (Score 1) 246

As you don't know the details you simply stop reading. There could be any number of "irregularities in the pension fund", maybe a transaction was reversed or a simple typo, it happens all the time. Unless you continue reading to know the full details such a headline means nothing. In reality pretty much no matter what you accidentally read, most "small snippets" are almost never accurate towards the full content.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 139

There is a difference between regulation and anti-corruption.

Uber is showing that a deregulated system can work. You need true competition though and a government to enforce anti-monopoly policies and crack down on mafia corruption. Many cities over regulate the taxi industry and limit the number of cabs to a ridiculously low number to keep prices high. In your other case a mafia (a semi governmental entity in itself) is doing the same thing. //Randians are crazy, but there certainly is room for balance.

Comment Re:Touch Server (Score 1) 681

An interesting sidenote. There is "some" advantage to Metro for 2013 Server. Its lighter weight than the full desktop. If you have a suite of custom .NET management apps, 2013 Metro will run those apps and be much lighter weight than a full desktop. //MS does advertise this idea, I have no idea why.

Comment One switch to rule them all? (Score 1) 681

Microsoft made it quite clear that much of the "issue" is that there are now simply too many options in Office. They tried to make a menu structure for 2007 and would have had to make several menus multiple submenus deep. They couldn't design a classic menu interface that they felt was workable for the features they added.

Comment Re:"Safety Requirements"? (Score 3, Informative) 314

This has Little to do with the cabs themselves. This is about the Airports.
Airports are legally "private" property (even though they are run by the city). All airports in the US at least have a long standing history of charging cabs and limo services for picking up, dropping off customers. Its a simple fact that if you run a private car company you have to pay the airport, period, full stop. The airports in turn will and have charged people with "illegal trespassing" for not paying.
Many private car companies nowadays accept Uber Black and they do pay the airports their share. UberX drivers being "regular people" don't know to pay the airport, and don't have the appropriate tags/markings for the airport to know what they are. Uber has been trying to work out a solution, but it requires privately negociation between Uber and each and every airport in the country. A LONG and costly operation. California, one of the prime places where the airports have been treating UberX drivers as trespassers is making this as "safety regulation". Ultimately I guess it is a safety issue, as its creating a physical confrontation between drivers and the security officers attempting to ticket them.

Comment Re:He continues to show himself to be ... (Score 1) 230

Why? He will make licensing fees from each car sold. AND he can charge per KW for other cars to plug into their quick charging ports.
Little known fact, for the baseline Tesla S (the one that cost 69k), it doesn't come with free supercharging capability, but its available as an option as purchase for $2000 (its also available as a after purchase option, but probably cost more). The higher models come with supercharging standard.

Weither they sell access to their stations are $2,000 up-front of if they meter it, I don't know. I'd guess they would meter it.

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