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Comment Re:target messes with there employees and does not (Score 2) 213

Or they outsourced....

You may be joking, but after the initial story broke I did look at their career website to see if they had an opening for a information security position (for the lulz) and noticed most of their IT positions were based in India. Since then they seemed to have reduced the amount of IT positions based out of India, maybe because of this, maybe they filled them. But still seems kinda odd.

Comment Re:Not a surprise, but still... (Score 5, Insightful) 464

The NSA is doing everything it can to save your ass.

No, fuck you. You do not save this country by pissing on the document that created it. Violating the trust and privacy of the citizens is not the way to save them. This country was made great by holding to the standards of freedom and justice, although there were missteps along the way. But we tried to hold firm to that which made us great.

But lately it has been acting like a scared child jumping at shadows in the kitchen. They have been selling everyone out and violating every protection in the constitution. All for NOTHING. There is no boogy man in the closet, no monster under the bed. The greatest enemy this country faces right now is this "War on terror", because it is destroying us faster and more thoroughly than anyone else could ever hope to do. And apologists like you are helping them right along.

Comment Re:Waiver of rights (Score 4, Informative) 249

Oh it gets even better than that, the husband was the one placing the order. Meaning Kleargear is trying to assert a contract that was never fulfilled ( never delivered the product) using a term that was not present at the time of signing (Non-disparagement was added after) based on the actions of the wife, who didn't agree to anything. IANAL, but I am pretty sure that is against the law, fraud being at least one.

Comment MN-Presidential wasn't why I voted (Score 3, Insightful) 821

Went and registered and voted in about 20 minutes. New to the area so had to bring a utility bill. Actually wasn't really concerned about the presidential elections as voting against a stupid amendment that was on the ballot. Minnesota is most likely going Obama but the votes on that amendment are too close to ignore. I have friends and family that are homosexual and I damn sure am not gonna sit on the couch while people try to take their rights away. Granted the stupid law already does that (and I voted against those jerks too) but I do not want it made that much more difficult to get it repealed by making it an amendment.

Comment Re:Sounds like the new American socialism (Score 1) 81

We are envious of what you have acquired, therefore we'll all team up and seize it.

You complain that it is socialism, yet I see it as the purest form of capitalism. One is able to influence physical force, which is the rawest from of power to gain what they want. John Ghalt would be proud, the lead antagonist was able to gain what they desired though using whatever means they had. Why do you complain about this? Utilizing the masses to gain what they desired has always been a mainstay of capitalism. The crabs are just ahead of the curve and an example of winner take all society. Think twice about what that truly means.

Comment Re:To what end? (Score 2) 266

I would argue that a billionaire wanting to sink money into this when the technology isn't there yet, should be taxed higher so that the money can be directed towards more urgent things

So you want to tax a man higher for actually putting his money where his mouth is and pushing humanity forward? Versus the other members of the 1% that are just sitting on their money in FDIC insured accounts? At least he's putting skin in the game. I argue conversely that those who sit and do nothing should be taxed at a higher rate. Force them to put their money into ideas and plans, rather then cower under the skirt of the government they hate so much.

Comment Re:'Fair Use' is not sufficiently well defined (Score 4, Interesting) 194

Unfortunately the example from the summary are not fair use cases, more like original producers vs hangers on. The content publishers are using bot's without checking the results. They need to have some guy checking the flags and using sanity testing to verify if the flag is correct. I mean come on, NASA vs some newspaper in Cincinnati, who in the fuck is more likely to have produced footage from the curiosity rover on Mars. Or DNC coverage, who has the copyright, the DNC or a news organization rebroadcasting what the DNC made? Some types of people accept what a program says as the gospel truth, which leads to fuckups like the content flagging and Knight Capital. Computers are tools, not overlords as someone else said.

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