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Comment Re:What's the next project? (Score 1) 46

But that is the case with any security project. You cannot keep the stupid from doing stupid things and they're the weakest link. Only by removing THEM do you remove the threats to any security system.

If your private keys are compromised, would you keep using them? Some in this world think it would be acceptable simply because the cost of replacement ($25-150 for a new certificate). Eventually the PHB's take over a perfectly working project and cause it to be declared insecure.

Comment Re:Safari, Web API's and iOS (Score 1) 311

My experience is these newfangled API's perform poorly across the board.

For example, LocalStorage was great, it's fast, it's easy but is hamstrung by it's limits. IndexedDB is another beast entirely with severe performance and implementation issues and total non-resemblance of what an actual database interface should be.

Comment Re:Why safari doesn't work for me (Score 1) 311

I find Firefox to be slow and bloated. Using 500MB of RAM for 2-3 tabs is ridiculous. Perhaps the plugins are the reason but Safari + AdBlock + Click2Plugin is very, very responsive.

Sites breaking is that site's issue, not a Safari issue and avoiding the site or fixing the site is usually the correct response. You can probably replicate the same issue on Chrome and other WebKit browsers.

I like Safari's developer functions, Mozilla even copied them (poorly). For instance Safari allows you to see what actually happens on any site you just visited. Mozilla changes the way 304's and similar caches work in dev mode causing issues to disappear in dev mode.

Comment Re:What's the next project? (Score 1) 46

Some Engima messages have thus far been undecrypted. Enigma was an awesome encryption tool and in theory (especially at the time) unhackable. The issue came in, as most/all encryption systems are vulnerable to the famous PEBKAC. A device was stolen/recovered by the allies allowing for the discovery of it's mechanism which was based around a one-time-pad rotating ciphers every so often (it would be similar to getting your hands on the source code of the algorithm of more modern encryptions and the rotating key was a frequently changing 'private key'). Later on, code books were stolen/recovered as well which were not/improperly destructed (similar to getting your hands on the set of private keys). Substantiating those compromises were the fact that some officers used the same key over and over opening the door to linguistic analysis. Later on, versions of Enigma machines had rotators removed in order to cut costs.

The problems wasn't with the tool but with the PHB's in charge (much like current encryption systems).

Comment It's an algorithm (Score 4, Informative) 352

It's impressive that it can even recognize and classify things as such. Great apes and humans share about 99% of our DNA, any 'alien' entity would classify us amongst the apes.

The fact that black people are black and thus have a closer resemblance to the generally 'darker' great apes is not racist because an algorithm that is not programmed to have biases cannot be racist. It's just peoples interpretation of the facts that makes things 'racist'. Superficially, black people and apes look mathematically more alike than white people and apes. If the thing was trained on albino apes (which do exist), white people would be considered apes AND NOBODY WOULD THINK IT WAS RACIST.

Comment Not to say it's unnecessary (Score 3, Insightful) 843

But how many US pilots have been in an actual dogfight since, say WWII. Most wars these days are no longer in the air, no large nations are fighting each other and ISIS doesn't have the capacity to fly an F16-like aircraft. Even during the Cold War, the most action was recon missions in enemy airspace which went largely unnoticed.

Sure, the F35 is a boondoggle but are these jets really necessary? The F16 seems to be holding up fine and the Russians, the only non-allied force with similar capabilities is flying mostly rust that is older than the F16 program.

Comment Re:plastic is for junk (Score 1) 266

Fine if you're a commercial site and your client knows your job will take 2-3 weeks and cost a few thousand. If you're just looking for a quick fix, there is no 1-day PCB turnaround under $100. If all you need is 1 print and you're a hobbyist or need something one-off, that is unacceptable.

Even for most commercial one-off jobs this is unacceptable and a big reason we all get our parts from China and waste massive amounts of energy on building COTS systems instead of having everything precision-customized locally.

Comment Re:plastic is for junk (Score 2) 266

You're screwing up Fahrenheit and Celsius here. 105 Celsius is before the plastic becomes slightly malleable and that is a little over the boiling point of water. So if you regularly handle steam without serious burning, let me know. Actually melting the stuff as it happens in the printer happens at ~200-250C.

Sure, you wouldn't be using it for friction pieces or things that are exposed to extremities, but for most of the objects in our environment we interact with, it's perfectly fine.

Comment Re:plastic is for junk (Score 3, Insightful) 266

Most stuff people interact with don't get 105 degrees C though. If you needed to make an enclosure for something or fix a piece of existing ABS/PLA plastic that broke, that's what you use a 3D printer for. You can also make prototypes for objects that you then send to a commercial printer, laser cutting facility or CNC mill to get created in the appropriate material.

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