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Comment The reasons... (Score 2, Interesting) 395

1) Diesel enjoys great tax breaks all over Europe. If you gas up with diesel, the government receives a smaller share than with Gasoline. Diesel cars are a LOT cheaper to own and operate in Europe. From my experience with the EU, this may be mandated and thus may not be able to be fixed by individual states.
2) Gasoline cars are harder to repair at home and break down more often and sooner. Fixing a diesel, especially the older ones, is easier but that is a lot less profitable to either business or government.
3) Many people in Europe skip the Diesel taxes all together by (illegally) driving on "red" home fuel diesel or avoid the markup by having their own tanks of 'white' diesel at home. Truckers sometimes have a switch installed that allows them to temporarily switch from 'red' to a reserve of 'white' for check points.
4) You can make a diesel car (especially the old 70/80's VW, Mercedes, Jeep and other 'tanks') run on several kinds of oil including old filtered frying oil, skipping taxes and duties all together.

Comment So... you actually gave them money? (Score 1) 137

Because, that's what SPAM is intended to do, only a fraction of a percentage of the people have to give them money (even if it's as a joke, opposite research or any reason whatsoever) for them to be profitable.

These sites are literally auto-generated for any field you can think of (I work in association with physicists, biologists and neurologists, they have at least a dozen journals across these fields). I get daily spams from at least 5 of them. The websites are identical (replacing the $field), the journals look identical and they're auto-generated. It is potentially a one-person operation having these half-wit professors publishing close to $3000/month/journal + advertising pages for what is an entirely electronic "journal".

There are similar sites offering help writing your papers, offering help getting NIH/NSF/whatever funding. A small team could easily lift close to $1M/month in a self-enclosed, self-propagating ecosystem of 'products and services'; everything from the creation to the publishing of an entire study.

The problem is not necessarily that these people are doing that (after all, it's a great idea to create an entirely fake ecosystem), the problem is that our public resources (in the form of government and tuition sourced grant money) are being used to publish these professors in fake, non-peer reviewed journals. Universities and government institutions actually accept these fake journals as 'credentials' because being published in a number of official-sounding journals trumps quality research for the beancounters.

Comment Re:Damned if you do damned if you don't (Score 1) 213

Ever been to DC? One could 'attack' the White House with an RPG, a short-range rocket or any number of short-medium range military equipment and do serious damage. The problem is there is not 'really' anything there to kill or damage, the true leaders are dispersed in offices on Wall Street.

Comment Re:Not as simple as teaching how to ... (Score 2) 328

So... what's wrong with that? If I teach you how to shoot a person, is that illegal? If so, then you should close most shooting ranges out there.

Free speech includes speech that is against the establishment, and given the Founding Fathers of the US' viewpoints on thing, quite by design.

Comment Re:What's the Difference? (Score 1) 102

PostgreSQL isn't the only kid on the block anymore, there are some great implementations to be made in other engines that could outperform Oracle for specific datasets. The problem is that Oracle (as said) is easy to 'certify' which usually means a beancounter can check off a box that means absolutely nothing in the real world.

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