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Comment Re:Not Odd (Score 1) 544

Bluetooth keyboards have a lot of issues... Security is of course worse, possibly extremely bad if the implementation on the keyboard is flawed. EM interference means that it is less reliable (I find myself rebooting the keyboard fairly frequently.) But most important, when set to achieve low-latency, bluetooth gets pretty power-hungry.

Now, I wonder if any phone lets the USB port run in host mode? Anyone know which phones let you do that?

Comment Re:Get used to this... (Score 3, Funny) 250

It's pretty insulting to the democratic process to accuse the winners of being "[expletive deleted] sheeple" when you don't agree with a result.

Why wouldn't I insult the democratic process? The only inherent value to it is that it tends to screw up slightly less, slightly slower, and slightly less impactfully other forms of government. It screws up plenty often. This is one such case.

For instance, democracies suck when voting on a question of fact. If something is better and cheaper when supplied by the government, why shouldn't the government supply it?

Comment Re:And this friends, is why buying a voice is wron (Score 1) 250

at the same time if you are cashing in more than you are contributing, so sorry, you don't get to vote yourself largesse either directly or indirectly.

How long do the bailouts for Wall St. prevent finance-employeed individuals from voting? How far down the corporate chain do you go before oil-company employees can vote? What about all the guys who only pay 15%...do they lose the vote... after all they benefit from subsidies on investing?

Comment Re: What alternative could be built? (Score 2) 150

The internal "SD Card" is formatted with a Unix-style file system that provides access controls to keep apps from being able to access one anothers' data. External SD Cards are formatted with FAT32, because that's what the whole world expects. Unfortunately, FAT has no concept of ownership or permissions, so the path-based restriction is necessary to ensure that apps can't muck with each others' data.

Comment Re:Why stop there? (Score 1) 114

Didn't say it was. I just said NASA should abandon it to whomever wants to pay to keep it operating. Prettty sure its past its original end of life anyway which I think was 2010.

If Russia doesn't want to play nice, or pay to run it themselves, I doubt ESA, Canada or Japan will be able to keep it going if the U.S. pulls out.

Comment Encrypt your devices (Score 1) 113

It's too late now, but if this device had been encrypted before it was broken, you'd have a lot less to worry about.

OTOH, it's worth pointing out that if the level of effort required to find the storage on the broken device so you can wipe or destroy it is too much to bother with, it will almost certainly be too much effort for anyone to go through the same effort in order to retrieve your data, on the off chance there might be something of value in there somewhere.

Comment Re:Real life is complicated (Score 1) 511

Yeah, I'm going to ignore your anti-military trolling. Let's just leave it as we think each other are wrong. On the offchance you were not trolling, and were confused:

Look, you may not like people in the military (no clue why), but to say they deserve what they get is naive and stupid. Historically and currently, joining the military has been one of the most sure ways for intelligent, motivated people born into poor circumstances to raise themselves up the ladder of success.

Given the relative abundance of rich entrepreneurs vs rich veterans, I think a citation may be needed there.

That's a shitty comparison. Most entrepreneurs start off fairly wealthy, and only get moreso. Besides, I specifically called out people born into poor circumstances. So, I'd like a citation on poor people who use entrepreneurship to get rich; America has terrible class mobility.

Colin Powell was born in Harlem to two immigrants. Bill Gates was born to a partner in a white-shoe law firm and a board member of the United Way, IBM and others. Bill Gates got further; Colin Powell came farther.

Comment Re:Real life is complicated (Score 1) 511

According to your philosophy, why would you feel sorry for factory workers, construction workers, or truck drivers? Shouldn't they have researched the rates of workman's comp claims, compared it to all their alternatives, decided what the risk level was likely to be and ensured that they were paid a risk premium as compensation based on their self-assessed danger quotient?

Look, you may not like people in the military (no clue why), but to say they deserve what they get is naive and stupid. Historically and currently, joining the military has been one of the most sure ways for intelligent, motivated people born into poor circumstances to raise themselves up the ladder of success.

Comment Re:Taking responsibility? Ha! (Score 1) 511

Why did they "have" to start taking drugs in the first place? If you take drugs and get addicted, that's your responsibility. Not anyone else's.

Well, some of them were under 18 at the time. As a society, we've decided you cannot really be held responsible for many of your actions when under 18. So it certainly is difficult to condemn teenagers to a lifetime of addiction because you were too cheap and on too high a moral horse to help them out.

But beyond that, in many cases, such as with student loans, we hold that society has not just a right to protect you from others, but to help enable you to improve yourself. Certainly, that seems cheaper to society than trying to punish people in prison for something they may wish they could give up.

Lastly, while you may wish that everyone was solely responsible for their actions, and their actions solely affected them, neither is ever the case. It's a good bumper sticker philosophy, but it falls apart once you start asking questions.

Comment Re:Real life is complicated (Score 1) 511

If you take drugs and get addicted, that's your responsibility. Not anyone else's.

Think so? I can introduce you to some former surgery patients and war veterans among others who were introduced to opiates to control pain by their physicians for very real pain problems and as a result were unable to avoid addiction

The ADA claims there are zero cases of that.

They do so by separating dependency with addiction, by specifying that addiction requires a pleasureable aspect. So. You can be dependent on insulin, but probably not addicted. Morphine could be either depending on your situation.

How much of that is linguistic bullshittery to avoid feeling bad for hooking people on pills, I do not know.

Comment Re:Next up (Score 1) 85

they just left out the key qualifier word "operational". the current japanese one isn't that big at all, and puny compared to the ones we used in the navy even into the 60s. the new Chinese one here looks to be about the same size as the old trans-pacific clipper planes, maybe even as big as those huge navy seaplanes used to operate.

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