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Comment Not surprised at all (Score 4, Interesting) 295

A decade ago I worked a contract for a small school district in Texas, installing server. The servers were several years out of date - purchased with a federal grant for millions of dollars. They then say in a warehouse until the district got YET ANOTHER grant to install it. Maintenance? Not unless they get another grant because no one there had a clue.....

Submission + - Evangelicals and Divine Evolution

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "Kevin Kelly has an interesting post on his recent attendance at a conference with 650 Christian evangelicals to discuss the future of the church as seen by the Facebook generation and says that while officially the evangelical church in America preaches against evolution, particularly teaching evolution in their schools, what has happened is similar to what has happened in the use of birth control among Catholics: the belief of lay members has diverged from what is preached from the pulpit. "When I speak to evangelicals one to one to ask their views in private, I have discovered that on average they do not really believe in creationism, even though their church officially does," writes Kelly. "In a survey among the conferences goers at Q, the majority responded (anonymously) that they embraced a belief in a theistic evolution." Kelly adds that the denial of the reality of evolution by evangelical churches is hugely detrimental to themselves and to the rest of American society and many see that the first step to unbind contemporary evangelicals from the prison of creationism is simply to embrace the obvious framework of an evolution driven by God (PDF). "There is nothing inherent in the facts of evolution that precludes it being initiated by a creator," writes Kelly. "The God of evolution may not be the optimal God, but it/he is much greater than the dollmaker God of creationism. I'm betting on the bigger God.""
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - How Much is a Dragon Worth? - Michael Noer - Backs (

timothy writes: Forbes magazine's "crack team of fictional reporters" creates annually a list of the 15 richest fictional characters. Good work, if you can get it, right? To silence critics who seem to think they might pull their numbers straight out of some nether orifice in a land far, far removed from fictional reality (vs. real reality, or fictional fiction), they've now put up a piece explaining their methodology.

Submission + - Judge rules: ISP is not a person ( 3

AffidavitDonda writes: A possible landmark ruling in one of the mass-BitTorrent lawsuits in the U.S. may spell the end of the “pay-up-or-else-schemes” that have targeted over 100,000 Internet users in the last year. District Court Judge Harold Baker has denied a copyright holder the right to subpoena the ISPs of alleged copyright infringers, because an IP-address does not equal a person.

Among other things Judge Baker cited a recent child porn case where the U.S. authorities raided the wrong people, because the real offenders were piggybacking on their Wi-Fi connections. Using this example, the judge claims that several of the defendants in VPR’s case may have nothing to do with the alleged offense either.


Submission + - Hacker pwns police cruiser and lives to tell tale (

Gunkerty Jeb writes: As a penetration tester hired to pierce the digital fortresses of Fortune 1000 casinos, banks and energy companies, Kevin Finisterre has hacked electronic cash boxes, geologic-survey equipment, and on more than one occasion, a client's heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system.

But one of his most unusual hacks came during a recent assignment testing the security of a US-based municipal government. After scanning several IP addresses used by the city's police department, he soon discovered they connected directly into a Linux device carried in police cruisers. Using little more than FTP and telnet commands, he then tapped into a digital video recorder used to record and stream audio and video captured from gear mounted on the vehicle's dashboard.


Submission + - Aaron Bros rental computers spy on you! (

Kiralan writes: Aaron Brothers installs tracking hardware and software on it's rented computers.
PITTSBURGH – A major furniture rental chain has software on its computers that lets it track the keystrokes, screenshots and even webcam images of customers while they use the devices at home, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday.


Submission + - Is Microsoft Planning To Buy RIM? (

jfruhlinger writes: "By getting Windows Phone 7 on Nokia handsets, Microsoft seems to have firmly set its strategy for the mobile world. Or has it? Today we learned that that Bing will be the default search engine for BlackBerry OS, and Steve Ballmer says that MS will "invest uniquely into the BlackBerry platform." It might just be possible that Microsoft is planning to buy RIM altogether, which may be RIM's only hope to avoid collapse."

Submission + - Decolonizing Outer Space (

dptalia writes: Dinesh D'Souza posits an interesting theory: that Obama is trying to decolonize outer space. He believe that President Obama sees outerspace as the last U.S. colony and as such it must be dismantled. The future? Lots of shared projects like the international space station....

Submission + - Trolling Comes to Newspapers (

dptalia writes: First there were patent trolls. Then Copyright Group started copyright trolling. Now a new start up company is trolling for unlicensed news stories posted to blogs and websites. The company has already filed 80 lawsuits and are threatening sites with $150,000/offense penalties if they don't settle.

Submission + - eBook Sales Outpace Hardbacks (

dptalia writes: Amazon announced that for every 100 hardback books they sell, 180 eBooks are sold. In addition they've seen sales for Kindles triple since they lowered the price. But traditionalists shouldn't panic yet — paperbacks are still the king.

Submission + - Increasing Solar Efficiency to 66% 3

dptalia writes: Scientists at the University of Texas have discovered a way to up solar cell's efficiency to about 66%. Using quantum dot technology the scientists can capture the sun's energy that is transmitted as heat, which could dramatically change solar technology.

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