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Comment Re:Group homes vs nursing homes (Score 1) 231

I am almost 40. When I live in Christian college dorm(itorie)s, I had room and suite mates. Same for neighbors, outdoor access, and easy access to near by. I loved it, but I don't have that anymore because everyone moved out to get married, have their own families, etc. :( Of course no female mates want to marry me (still never had a date and a virgin). :(

Comment Re:Comcast tried to steal $50 from me (Score 1) 223

Yep, TWC did this too with the offered cards. Many people, including my king ant, never got them --"time+warner+cable"+"gift+card" ... TWC kept blaming people for not following instructions like in the fine prints. However, my king ant, with my help/assistance, did all these correctly. We kept all the proofs, followed up after the estimated times to expect, etc. Eventually, we won and TWC gave us credits for the next month bill instead of sending him the card. It is so annoying when greedy companies do this!! They make it so difficult/hard to get these offers. :(

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