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Comment Re:Welcome to your new walled garden (Score 1) 225

Chromium is open source so if you don't like it, fork you own copy and get whatever useless toolbars that install without permission that you want.

Darwin is open source too, so you can fork it and install whatever apps you want.

The fact is most people stick with the official release. Your platform is not "open" if your official release if third party extensions aren't allowed.

It's worth mentioning the (non-mobile) version of Safari does allow arbitrary third party extensions. There are some warnings to the user that it might be malware, but they don't block installation.

Comment Re:Encryption (Score 4, Informative) 220

Last I heard, it still supports unencrypted, but only if both the client and server ask for it. If either one asks for encryption, then the connection is encrypted, even if there's no authentication (i.e. certificate). With no certificate, it's still possible to pull an active(MitM) attack, which is much harder to pull off at a large scale without anyone noticing (i.e. you can just collect all data you see).

A server cannot ask for encryption.

Unless the client establishes a secure connection in the first place, the server has no way of knowing if the client is actually who they claim to be. If the client attempts to establish a secure connection and the server responds with "I can't give you a secure connection" then the client needs to assume there is a man in the middle attack going on and refuse to communicate with the server.

There is no way around it, security needs to be initiated on the client and the server cannot be allowed to refuse a secure connection.

HSTS is a partial solution for this problem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security)

Comment Moving goal posts (Score 4, Insightful) 220

I don't think HTTP has any problems with security. All the real world problems with HTTP security are caused by:

  * dismally slow roll out of dnssec. It should have been finished years ago, but it has barely even started.
  * the high price of acquiring an SSL certificate (it's just bits!).
  * slow rollout of IPv6 (SSL certificates generally require a unique IP and we don't have enough to give every domain name a unique IP).
  * arguments in the industry about how to revoke a compromised SSL certificate, which has lead to revocation being almost useless.
  * SSL doesn't really work when there are thousands of certificate authorities, so some changes are needed to cope with the current situation (eg: dsnssec could be used to prevent two certificate authorities from signing the same domain name)

Comment Re:Auto switches (Score 1) 415

You sir, have obviously never encountered the problem. The message does one of two things: 1) Gets marked as delivered but is never delivered because the person has no iDevice or 2) Gets marked as undeliverable and is not resent as a text. I have a friend who has been trying to fix this for months and at first her messages disappeared into the abyss. Now they just fail to deliver and I have to manually resend it.

I have encountered the problem, and solved it for friends/family.

Since I'm an iOS developer, anybody who has any problem with their iPhone asks me how to fix it. And since I'm a tin-foil-hat-toting privacy advocate, I have studied various articles that reverse engineer how iMessage works. I know exactly what "delivered" means —it means some device somewhere decrypted the message. Apple's server cannot decrypt the message as they do not have the private key, so therefore they cannot possibly send a delivery confirmation.

Go ahead and try it out. Disable wifi and cellular data on an iPhone but leave the non-data cellular connection active, then send an iMessage to it.

The message will not change to "delivered" unless some other device is registered (and connected to the internet) to receive messages at that phone number. After some minutes, the blue message box on the sending device will change colour to green, signifying an SMS has been sent. Depending how good your cell carrier is, the SMS will be delivered instantly or after a few days (SMS is not a reliable messaging protocol...). This assumes you have not disabled SMS fallback on the sending device, which is the default.

I just did the test, and it proved my theory. Disconnecting my phone/ipad/mac caused a sending device to fail to show "delivered", and several minutes later my phone received an SMS message.

The system is overly complicated, mostly as a byproduct of Apple's end-to-end encryption system, which leads to a lot of customer confusion and miss-information when they try to diagnose one of the many things that can go wrong. But I know what I'm talking about, delivered means it was delivered to a device registered receive iMessages at that phone number.

Comment Re:Auto switches (Score 1) 415

Apparently Apple knows less about their own products than I do as an Apple developer.

Wrong. Your understanding of iMessage is incorrect, see below.

If the phone does not decrypt the message and send an acknowledgment within a few minutes, it will be sent as an SMS instead.

Incorrect. Fallback to SMS works in the case where the message fails to send not if it fails to receive which is why it will not fall back to SMS if the receiver's phone/ipad/laptop is simply switched off.

According to the article, the iMessage is sent and status immediately changes to "delivered". That means he has at least one device registered to receive iMessages at that phone number and it is turned on and received the message.

Incorrect again. It means that it has been delivered to the email account associated with the iMessage account.

His claim to have logged out of iMessage on all his devices is bullshit. He forgot one.

Incorrect yet again. Even if he turns of iMessage the receiver needs to have done the same thing or else his messages to her will be delivered to the email account associated with her iMessage account.

You're wrong, I know from experience that sending an iMessage to someone outside cell network range causes it to fall back to sending an SMS.

Also, I had a friend who would constantly receive double messages, because she had poor cell network coverage in her home, phone/sms worked fine but data had huge packet loss. iMesasge couldn't reach her and would fallback to SMS 50% of the time. When she reads the SMS the phone would connect to wifi and she'd receive the iMessage while reading the SMS, hens the regular complaints about double messages.

Comment Re:Public transit (Score 1) 389

So if they can't enforce a fine, then what happens if you don't pay the straffavgift? It sounds like they don't have any authority to actually run things. While I appreciate the enforcement of privacy, does that also apply to businesses? Are they not allowed to keep track of who shop-lifted or passed bad forms of payment or otherwise caused problems and they don't want to let into their business again?

I don't know about Sweden but in most countries any business can refuse to server any customer for whatever reason they want, so long as it isn't race or gender or something discriminatory.

Here in Australia shoplifting will probably just get you kicked out of the store and told never to come back. The reason is the person doing the shoplifting (often a kid) might simply tell the cops that they're innocent. From then on the store will have to either drop their accusation or take it to court, which involves sending many thousands of dollars to your legal team, for no gain at all. You already recovered the stolen merchandise, so are not eligible for any compensation.

Unless they're a repeat offender, a judge will probably let them off with a slap on the wrist. Sending some poor kid who doesn't no better into the prison system over a stolen CD is a bad idea —inevitably that will lead them to commit more serious crimes later in life.

Comment Re:"No reliable solution" (Score 1) 415

What an idiotic statement. There's a very easy solution. If user has not been available on iMessage for more than reasonable amount of time, no more than a day, fall back to SMS.

Stupidly easy solution.

That's how it works. The "reasonable amount of time" is 5 minutes. And any message sent within those 5 minutes will automatically be re-sent as an SMS (which unfortunately means the recipient will receive the message twice... once the iMessage finally arrives).

And there can't be any bugs, because in order to acknowledge receipt of a message you have to decrypt the message, and the decryption keys cannot be copied off the device the message is being sent to. Part of it is stored in a dedicated corner of silicone, which cannot be read by software.

Comment Re:Auto switches (Score 5, Interesting) 415

Apparently Apple knows less about their own products than I do as an Apple developer. You can't trust a random support employee to know how iMessage works, it's a complicated system.

It's very simple. If you send an SMS to a number registered as being an iPhone, it will be encrypted for that phone and sent over the internet. If the phone does not decrypt the message and send an acknowledgment within a few minutes, it will be sent as an SMS instead. Repeated delivery failures (2 or 3?) will automatically disable iMessage.

According to the article, the iMessage is sent and status immediately changes to "delivered". That means he has at least one device registered to receive iMessages at that phone number and it is turned on and received the message. His claim to have logged out of iMessage on all his devices is bullshit. He forgot one.

Comment Re:My baby blue (Score 5, Insightful) 118

Pure meth is white/clear. But you could explain the blue color as the result of some additive they put into it, as a "trademark" of sorts.

Yes but a key part of the show was nobody else could cook blue meth. Walt had power over the drug dealers because he could give them something unique.

If all it took was an additive, the story would not have worked.

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