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Comment Re:Code the way you want... (Score 1) 372

More fun if you do Windows coding for a living, to do Atmel assembly coding for fun. Not coding against an unfriendly API (like Windows) really is fun. And if you happen to sell your for-fun code, it looks dissimilar enough to work code for your employer not to take an interest.

Comment Re:The End of Diabetes by Joel Fuhrman, M.D (Score 1) 253

Also, exercise does not help much with weight loss because it stimulates the appetite, even though exercise in general is good for health...

Not so much for me, I never feel less like eating than after gym sessions. Which is a problem because I typpically have plummeting BGL for the hours following. Grrr. More insulin tweaking.

Comment Re:Christmas is coming early this year (Score 1) 702

That's a fun argument. I often travel with a external hard drive in my laptop bag, there's lots of space in it for c4, and is security going to ask me to power it up? Ok, take MBP out, plug it in, plug drive in, it works, and we still haven't proved anything. If there's even a few people have to do this, the queue will grow, flights will get missed, baggage will have to be removed for those missing flights, flights will get delayed. All for something that's never happened? At some point, you have to accept that you're reacting to symptoms rather than causes.

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