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Comment Re:fascinating... (Score 5, Interesting) 81

No, we can't. Not for reasons of feasibility of engineering problems, but for political reasons. We'll stand by the sideline, the coming decades, and watch how the Greenland ice sheet begins melting, as the political in-fighting goes on, contributing another 6 meters to sea level rising.

Comment Re:Not the right way, descubes (Score 1) 158

Agree with your remark on the number of whiners, wholeheartedly even. Yet, any message should be tailored, in form and in content, to its potential public; a thing that, I think, you treated a bit lightheartedly. Moreover, if you want contributors, "steering" is going to bring you nowhere. If what you want is the open source paradigm, then give up steering. If you absolutely want to steer, then give up on the whole open source idea. Speaking from experience here.

Comment Not the right way, descubes (Score 1) 158

This is not going to do your project a lot of good. You author the post, and put it on Slashdot, being lucky that you got on the front page. From that point on, it is *very* counterproductive to interfere with the discussion yourself. As other commenters already pointed out: you appear to have a vested interest in your subject, which - in the minds of many /.ers - influences the discussion in an unwanted, "steering" sort of way. Don't be surprised if your post goes into the history of Slashdot with a low number of comments. Next time, refrain from interfering. Good luck.

Comment Re:Compelling, but a mix still better... (Score 1) 399

"Plausibly" ? So a theory that takes interstellar travel and the pre-existence of humans on some other planet, light-years away, is more plausible than on-site i.e. on-earth evolution ? And where then, dear sir, did those humans come from who brought their eggs and sperm to Earth ? If not from evolution, then you face an endless recursion backward into time. And if from evolution, why could evolution not have happened on Earth ?

Comment Re:Please god no. (Score 1) 205

Second this, and mod parent up into the heavens. I have been using Julia for number-crunching ( trial factoring large numbers, finding Fibonacci primes, large matrix multiplication, PageRank on large graphs => eigenvalues on very large matrices ), and Julia is simply brilliant. The two guys behind the project seem to be working day and night, bug fixes are very very fast, speak 1 week. Julia runs on LLVM, is lightning-fast, and has a rather coherent design. A colleague ( researcher ) of mine is still on Matlab, as she has simply no time now to learn Julia; hearing her curse Matlab is as frequent as lunch breaks.

Comment Re:Don't trust any app these days (Score 1) 180

Holy shit !

It doesn't take much to realize that some places aren't ready for freedom and democracy.

Are there actually people still believing that Bushian crap ? Obviously, yes ( at least you ). Up to the next interventionist war which will cost the already-bankrupt US a trillion dollars. Well done, well done.

Comment This basically asks for 2 things: (Score 1) 77

1) a protocol

2) sufficiently wide approval of said protocol

So how do we get that ? In our world, there are five ways to build systems: a) technoloy-driven ( done by the Gyro Gearlooses of our world ) 2) purpose-driven systems ( MS Office et al., ain't gonna work here ) 3) sociotechnical systems ( may work here ? ) 4) politicotechnical systems ( basically, things like the entire Internet, or national highway networks ) 5) open source systems ( seems to be the best candidate here ? )

Comment Re:Don't trust any app these days (Score 0) 180

Do you really believe that, as you have an NRA and a gazillion of shotguns all over the country, you are capable to keep your own government in check ? Then, how come that all those rifle-toting and hard-working rednecks did nothing to prevent your own government from 1) spying upon you 2) running your federal deficit up wazoo, to the point of being, as a state, virtually bankrupt 3) losing three major overseas wars ( Vietnam, Irak, Afghanistan ) in a row with your own money ?

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