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Comment Mistakes will be entertaining (Score 1) 1

"That's not you." "I have the IDs, what more do you want?" "It says you are somebody else." and when the shouting gets too much, someone will call the police. Yes, that will be fun ...

Or if they automate payments ... someone gets a coupon on someone else's account, or the system pays for it automatically. The real customer gets his statement and wonders why a purchase didn't show up. The mistaken customer gets his account statement and wonders who stole his ID when he was out of town.

Comment This is not a free market (Score 1) 1

It is crony capitalism. The collusion is not just AT&T and Verizon, it includes their government buddies too.

In a free market, competitors wouldn't be excluded by government regulations, and abominable behavior like this would be countered by private lawsuits for fraud, false advertising, who knows what. It wouldn't depend on getting so many people complaining that their congress critters finally lean on the FCC and FTC and who knows what other agencies to do something, but the only thing they would do would be cosmetic to stop the constituent caterwauling.

It's really tiring seeing all these complaints about abuse of the free market and calls for more government ocntrol when it is government collusion that aids and abets the problem in the first place. Just like Occupy Wall Street, complaining about the fat cats on Wall Street, ok, but then they want the government to do something about it when government caused the problems, tries to hide the problems, tries to cover them up, and is run by Wall Street fat cats who get recycled back and forth between government and Wall Street. "Please Mr Crook Boss Sir, please protect me from the crooks you sent to my house to rob me."

Comment Not quite so important (Score 1) 5

"The Scrolls are possibly the most important archaeological discovery of the 20th century."

Probably not, buckaroo. The religions which care about them will argue incessantly about proper translation and interpretation, even whether they are real, forged, original, and on and on.

They are a curiousity to everybody else.

The discovery of traces of cheese from 7500 years ago is probably far more important. There are a lot more like that.

Comment Why do people think "profit" is a dirty word? (Score 1) 1

What is it about "profit" that enrages so many otherwise-intelligent people? How many shares does google have -- what is the tax avoidance per share? It sure isn't much.

If I, as a private person, find rules and regulations that enable me to save $1000, how many people whine that I should have paid more? If I ran a corner dry cleaner or convenience store, and find similar wiggle room, does anyone complain? If I were to employ 1,000 people and find $1M in savings, why is that more worthy of complaint than the previous example? If Wal-Mart employs 1M people and saves $1B, is that any more worthy of complaint?

I'll be damned if I can understand such illogical whiners.

Then throw in Warren Buffet, who hires probably quite a few tax lawyers and accountants to structure his organization to minimize taxes, and then has the gall to complain he's not paying enough in taxes. There's a US Treasury address he can mail checks to if he really believes that he hasn't paid enough taxes.

Comment Translating between cameras and displays (Score 1) 221

Is this going to make it harder to translate pictures from cameras to displays? I understand that displays will still have pixels, it's just the drawing that is different (AIUI). But cameras detect and report pixels, not vectors. Wouldn't it be better to translate those camera pixels directly to display pixels, instead of storing some information suitable forvector analysis?

I may be completely ignorant here, knowing just enough to be dangerous to my reputation :-)

Comment Excellent! (Score 1) 2

Amusing how when some person or company legally minimizes their taxes, the news is always worded as if everyone should be horrified, that it is their glorious duty to pay as much in taxes as possible so we can get more free stuff out of them.

Warren Buffet has been a recent noisy cheerleader for this attitude, making it out to be dangerous right wingers who are somehow responsible for Buffet Inc not paying more in taxes, and there needs to be a law forcing Buffet Inc to pay more. Funny how nothing actually prevents him paying more, but he doesn't, and no one complains, they all jump on the evil rightwinger bandwagon, as if the Koch Bros held a gun (a GUN!) to his head and prevented him from writing that check that he so desparetly wants to write.

It's probably news to these idiots that the US Supreme Court ruled that everyone is entitled to minimize their taxes and can't be punished for doing so legally.

Comment You are wrong (Score 1) 179

Planes especially very much rely on GPS, it's at the heart of all navigation systems in airliners. Even most private GA pilots use handheld ones if it's not part of the panel, unless they are intentionally flying by railroad tracks and highways. I believe LORAN was shut down a few years ago. The US Navy considers sextant use so useless that it was dropped from required study at the Academy some years ago, although it may still be taught as an elective.

GPS is also at the heart of many military precision guided missiles and shells.

You are a really misinformed troll.

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