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Comment No disrespect to GCC, but why not LLVM? (Score -1, Offtopic) 78

Given the nice, modular nature of LLVM, I would think even the GCC developers would find it to be a more enjoyable best to work on.

Any idea why most GCC developers don't simply port their front-ends / back-ends of choice to LLVM, and walk away from GCC?

I know there's the licensing issue, which I assume matters to some heavy-duty OSS advocates. But in my experience most programmers who work with OSS aren't super passionate about GPL vs. Berkeley -style licensing.

Comment Re:Drug dogs (Score 1) 409

Im sure some dogs DO detect drugs

Thousands of them, trained by some very serious, very passionate people who don't even begin to fit the cartoon caricature description of cops who fake drug busts

but the above scenario has been reported a number of times

How many is a "number," relative to the all day, every day work these dogs and their handlers do?

Comment Re:...Coming Soon (Score 1) 409

wouldn't you want a furry friend with an addiction to powerful drugs to keep you company?

The only thing search/detection dog is addicted to is the simple pleasure of working. They're descended from wolves, who live to hunt. They're bred to be incredibly sensitive, nose-wise, and have had their pack instincts morphed into a very gratifying (for them, and their handlers) pleasure in their essentially symbiotic relationship with humans. They love to go out and do stuff, and are raised as pups to get some good clean joy out of accurately differentiating between being right and wrong with their noses. They're addicted to being part of a well organized pack, just like many social animals. Addicted to the drugs or other materials they've learned to identify by the parts-per-billion in the air? Nonsense. They want a pat on the head, their favorite toy as a reward, and a chance to go do it again.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 409

This is why it's important to yell loudly and repeatedly "AM I BEING DETAINED?!?!" whenever speaking to a cop.

Yes, because being obnoxious and shouting at cops is a super way to show that you're not trying to distract/deflect. Do you do your job better when someone is screaming in your face? Really? Fascinating.

Comment Re:Drug dogs (Score 1) 409

The dogs are demonstrably a placebo that "triggers" when the handling cop signals the dog to do so.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. About dogs generally, or about their use in quickly showing awareness of explosives, drugs, and other items. They are uncannily accurate once they've been shown the difference between placebos and the real thing. Oh, and you also have no understanding of how the word "placebo" is used.

Comment Re:Instead... (Score 1) 356

Yes. And I truly hope you're right. Responsive, though, can be a huge PITA for content designers, but there are plenty of responsive frameworks out there, and they do actually work. Full-on mobile-only only content is generally awful, except for very specific scenarios (track your package, check your balance, etc).

Comment Re:you don't want their actions. (Score 1) 107

A complete disregard for the customers because there is ZERO penalty for producing a shitty product.

Do you purchase their products? Will you in the future? Will you be recommending their products to any people or businesses that you know? Will you be praising or condemning them in venues like this?

What penalty did you have mind beyond them losing sales?

Should we criminalize imperfect software? Let's see some of your code.

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