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Journal Journal: Deeveeaar gets the resumes and ID cards of over 500 scammers. 6

And yet, the Jaipur Police and Indian Media are strangely uninterested in this story. So, Indians, where you guys at? Is your country so corrupt that it's beyond repair? Where are the good men and women of India who should be outraged that their country is starting to only be known for it's scam call centers?

What's worse - one of the scammers is a 15 year old girl. Where are the "won't someone think of the children" liberals at? You guys going to sit there and do nothing?

Here's what you should do. Share this video. Share it on Xwitter, Reddit, Facebook, and tag Indian Media and Police. Let's try to bring these scammers to justice and make a dent in the roughly 22 BILLION dollars these assholes are stealing from people who's only crime is not being tech saavy.
User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm Joe Biden, and I forgot this message.

Did you Demonrats really just nominate the creepy pedo / hair sniffing / dementia patient Joe Biden?

You know, the guy who creates characters like bad dude "Corn Pop" when he's not getting overly touchy with kids? You did. You really did it.

Thanks for making this easy.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Aw, man....

The rat-faced, Alfred E. Neumann wannabe Pete Bootyjudge dropped out.

How will Demonrats decide which commie to vote for now?
User Journal

Journal Journal: How To Unite The Country in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Give the Democratic Nomination to Mini-Mike Bloomberg
Step 2: The country unites behind Trump, who wins in a landslide as both Democrats and Republicans alike seem to hate Mini-Mike "NO SODA FOR YOU!" Bloomberg.
Step 3: Reap the economic rewards of 4 more years of Trumponomics, which has given us an excellent (if not quite historic yet) economy.

So c'mon Demonrats. Do the right thing - none of the Demonrats running have a chance of beating Trump - Crazy Bernie is a pinko commie, Pocahontas is female Bernie, Bootyjudge is just a more masculine Beto, Biden's gone completely insane, and Klobuchar's run out of stuff to throw at staffers.

So do the right thing, Demonrats. Vote for Mini-Mike.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Maybe. Maybe not.

Honestly I haven't decided yet.
User Journal

Journal Journal: 15 years ago... 3

... there was a "Circle".

Not sure why I thought of it, but figured I'd throw a shout-out and see who's still around and kicking.

So who's still out there? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
User Journal

Journal Journal: ACLU T-Shirts... 11

The ACLU is selling T-Shirts with their logo that says "Dissent is Patriotic".

That's adorable.

Especially after telling us over the last 8 years that dissent was racist.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Gorsuch 6

When Gorsuch was confirmed to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, he was done so unanimously.


So take the perpetually outraged, professional (ie, paid by Soros) Left's vitriol against him with a grain of salt.


Speaking of which... why is it that when the Koch Brothers donate money to candidates it's a grave assault on our democracy but when Soros pays minions to riot we get the lecture about how dissent is patriotic*?

* Dissent is treason when there's a Demonrat in the White House. Remember, when there's a Demonrat President THE OFFICE MUST BE RESPECTED NO MATTER WHAT!!

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is tremendous... 7

I voted for Ted Cruz in the primary, but if this is how Trump plans to govern I'm really going to start liking the guy.

Directing Executive Agencies to start cutting regulations via Executive Order?

EXCELLENT. This is how executive orders should be used; telling executive branch agencies to get their act together.

Hiring Freeze on Bureaucrats?


Temporarily stopping entry of people from Terrorist hot-beds as defined by Obama and Congress until we can get a true vetting process so we don't import another Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?


I know the liberals around here don't like that, but:
* Federal Law allows the President to do this
* Obama did it to Iraqis; so I have to ask, dear liberals, Where was your hand wringing and gnashing of teeth then?

Now Trump needs to nominate a Scalia-type Justice to the Supreme Court and get that National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act through.

User Journal

Journal Journal: "Don't be rude. YOU ARE FAKE NEWS" 22

I honestly don't think I'll get tired of watching President Trump smack the MSM over the next 8 years.

And "fake news" has been a huge problem ever since the days of Dan Rather's "fake, but accurate" George W. Bush AWOL fake memo.

... and considering now you've got Buzzfeed and CNN getting trolled by 4chan about a fake story involving Trump hiring prostitutes to urinate on a bed in Russia -- something so obviously fake it's laughable, and yet -- I know lefties who believe it happened -- which is kind of the point. Tell the lie often enough and it'll stick a little. The MSM is no londer interested in facts, only to do whatever they can to further the leftist narrative. Right, Ezra and the JournoListers? Leni Reifenstahl approves of your tactics.

But Trump verbally smacking Acosta and CNN?

I enjoyed that. It's about time someone rubbed their noses in it. Go Donald!
User Journal

Journal Journal: First Carrier, now Ford... 1


Trump isn't even if office yet and he's already a better President than Obama.

Which, I know, is not saying much because a Goldfish would be a better President than Obama....
User Journal

Journal Journal: One year later... 5

.... and I have become intoxicated over the last 36 hours drinking my fill of liberal tears. Trudeau ready to renegotiate NAFTA.

Trump isn't even in office yet and he's already having a positive effect.


You guys remember 8 years ago? I do. I remember the calls from the media that "the people have spoken and why do we have to wait to get Obama in there and Bush should just resign now" -- you libs still feel that way?

70 days left until the long national nightmare is over and the term of America's 4th Fascist Regime ends. (First three were Wilson, FDR, and LBJ).

Plus -- Trump's going to appoint rational judges in the mold of Scalia and Thomas.

Finally, we've turned the page and can start beating back the utter stupidity of the "progressive" movement.

Now that's "Change I can believe in".

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