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Journal RailGunner's Journal: ACLU T-Shirts... 11

The ACLU is selling T-Shirts with their logo that says "Dissent is Patriotic".

That's adorable.

Especially after telling us over the last 8 years that dissent was racist.
This discussion was created by RailGunner (554645) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

ACLU T-Shirts...

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  • Look at you conflating the ACLU with just about anyone else! Should have picked a softer target...
    • Typical Captain Splendid "I'll say something nonsensical but I'll make it vague so that I appear to have an IQ larger than 60" comment.

      No go back and pretend that the unwashed left didn't call people who didn't support Obama racist. Whatever your fragile little mind needs to sleep at night.

      Red was right -- you really are a low calorie / low intelligence troll substitute.
      • No go back and pretend that the unwashed left didn't call people who didn't support Obama racist.

        LOL, so you're either moving the goalposts or you suck at english, white man. Pick one.
        • *Yawn*.

          For 8 years any opposition to anything Obama wanted was categorically dismissed as racist by liberals.

          Are we pretending that didn't happen?

          Oh, right. Sorry. Forgot who posted for a moment. The above comment is over your head. I need to reach out to you at your intellectual level, not mine.

          Hey. Kate Upton shore is purty, isn't she?
          • For 8 years any opposition to anything Obama wanted was categorically dismissed as racist by liberals.

            I see your problem: The ACLU isn't liberal. But of course, in your addled mind, anyone who's not in lockstep with the conservative agenda down to the finest degree gets excommunicated, no excuses.

            Which then leads you to make silly pronouncements of things that didn't happen, or blasting the liberal agendas of judges appointed by GOP presidents. And then I get to make fun of you as you thrash about
            • The ACLU isn't liberal.

              BAAAAAAAAA hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

              Oh... man... comedy gold right there.

              Oh. You weren't kidding. You were serious about that? Oh right, you're an idiot.
              • Well, then senpai, school me. What makes a "nonpartisan, non-profit organization [6][7] whose stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States." so gosh danged radical? All I can see is an charity org that loves the constitution more than you do, and you're treating them like fifth columnists. Laugh all you want, but at least I don't have a perspective problem.
                • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

                  The ACLU is rather selective in its alleged defense of the Constitution. Wake me up when they take on a Second Amendment case.

                  Even if we accept a limit of scope to the First Amendment, they seem to be a bit choosy. Religious liberty, for instance, always seems to get short shrift from them...unless there are Mohammedans involved.

                  • Wake me up when they take on a Second Amendment case.

                    Why bother when the NRA is already doing God's work? Seems like a waste of resources.

                    Even if we accept a limit of scope to the First Amendment, they seem to be a bit choosy. Religious liberty, for instance, always seems to get short shrift from them...unless there are Mohammedans involved.

                    This vague sentence means nothing without context.
                    • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

                      Even if we accept a limit of scope to the First Amendment, they seem to be a bit choosy. Religious liberty, for instance, always seems to get short shrift from them...unless there are Mohammedans involved.

                      This vague sentence means nothing without context.

                      Think of the several cases in this vein, and how the ACLU would likely represent them: [] or []

                    • and how the ACLU would likely represent them

                      Two things:

                      1. Why are we now dealing with hypotheticals?

                      2. Your memes are all wrong. It's sell the cake, not bake the cake.

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