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Comment Re:"Easy to read" is non-sense (Score 4, Interesting) 414

I disagree that it is because java is easy to read. Java is easy to write. A good programer can write an app in Java and have it work really well. A bad programer can write an app in java it will work.
With C++ a good programer can write an app and it will work but you really have to watch for a lot of gotchas. A bad programer can not write a program that works in C++ because it will leak memory, stomp on memory, and have issues with pointers.
Java is better at stopping the little brain farts from blowing up in your face.
C++ is a lot more fun to write in IMHO.

Comment Re:This is possibly the dumbest things I've seen.. (Score 1) 68

It really depends on the system.
For instance things like logistics aka buying food, cleaning supplies, tools, and so on. could all be done on COTs systems and using public data centers.
Things like how many SM-2s are down for repair is a different issue.
And then keeping things separated is yet another issue.

Comment Re:What? (Score 2) 121

" One could easily say that the capitalists are the greater evil, especially the owners big corporations, because they pollute the Earth, are utterly greedy, etc and have no concern for the distribution of resources among those who need them."
Wow I guess you have not seen what the old USSR did in the areas that controlled as far as the environment, for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A....
Or the quality of air in China...
"and have no concern for the distribution of resources among those who need them."
Wow.. again http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S...
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M...
Yea... You need to read a lot more history.

Comment Re:Again? (Score 1) 613

You left out construction workers, electricians, plumbers, electrical workers, roughnecks, cosmetologists, interior designers, fashion designers, gardeners, and lawn care workers.
All of which are very sexists and or orientationist by nature.

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

"I'll just refrain from much comment on that one - besides I have my afternoon prayers to nothing I gotta do this afternoon. Want to make certain when I die that I go nowhere, and the nothing that I worship is not pretty adamant about that."

Thank you for confirming that one completely.

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

"Nuc power can be safe. But not with that attitude. The power can be harnessed. The arrogance, politics, and contempt of people cannot."
No, Chernobyl was a disasters waiting to happen. It lacked a containment building and the design allowed for a thermal runaway reaction.
AKA as different from a modern western reactor as a 777 is from the Hindenberg.
BTW I live with a Western Nuclear reactor in my town. You are right that disasters just that a disaster and are not good. Fukushima was the worst case aka a total loss of cooling but did have the large scale results that many anti nuclear folks by.

"But making this somehow an equivalent between atheists and fundamentalists is almost an end run toward claiming atheism is a religion."
Funny but it sure does look like one more and more. The joy in spreading the belief system, sense of superiority, the joy of seeing more "converts" that is see in many replies to this all look like the worst behaviour of civil religious people.

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