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Comment Contra for Xbox Live Arcade (Score 1) 280

And if a game is exclusive on another platform doesn't that mean it's not on Microsoft's.

I had trouble understanding what you meant by this because the question-inverted word order doesn't appear to match the lack of a question mark. Did you mean "that doesn't mean..." or "doesn't that mean...?" So I'll try to reply to both interpretations:

Does being initially exclusive to Microsoft's platform (Windows) disqualify a game for a later release on Microsoft's other platform (Xbox One) once the game's developer eventually qualifies for the ID@Xbox program? If so, why should it?

The 1987 video game Contra by Konami was originally exclusive to a non-Microsoft arcade platform. In 1988 it was ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System, another non-Microsoft platform. Yet it got a port to Xbox Live Arcade on Xbox 360 in 2006. Did it get a pass because of the 1989 port to MSX2, a Japanese platform that shipped with Microsoft BASIC?

Comment Monthly cap (Score 1) 307

the cost of my iPad 2 3G service is $15 a month.

How many MB per month is that? If unlimited, then where do you live? And how many MB per hour does RDP or VNC to the EC2 or Azure holding your IDE use?

On top of that, if you I've in an urban centre, you're probably well covered by WiFi anyway.

In my experience, Wi-Fi handoffs are not rapid enough for use while a passenger in a bus or other vehicle.

Comment Re:Sticker shock of a new computer (Score 1) 307

A lot of parents are more willing to drive their children around during bus outages than to provide cellular Internet access for their children to do programming homework while visiting somewhere that lacks usable Wi-Fi. Besides, how ought an iPad+keyboard+cloud+cellular user to back up the data stored in his cloud services account in case his cloud service provider goes down? A PC user can just plug in a USB flash drive.


FDA Wants To Release Millions of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In Florida 265

MikeChino writes In an attempt to curb outbreaks of two devastating tropical diseases in the Florida Keys, the FDA is proposing the release of millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into the area. Scientists have bred male mosquitoes with virus gene fragments, so when they mate with the females that bite and spread illness, their offspring will die. This can reduce the mosquito population dramatically, halting the spread of diseases like dengue fever.

Comment Video search != video hosting (Score 1) 280

Heck, Microsoft doesn't even have a compelling YouTube alternative!

whaa? videos.bing.com is a total pornucopia.

It's not the same thing. Bing Videos is a search engine, analogous to the Google Videos search engine. YouTube also offers hosting for videos uploaded by users. And in fact, for one random category I just viewed in Bing Videos two minutes ago, a large number of the videos were hosted on YouTube. Bing Videos is to Google Videos as what is to YouTube?

Comment Xbox Live Arcade (Score 1) 280

Trying to understand how Microsoft defines "exclusive":

MSFT will not allow a game on their device if it had an exclusive elsewhere.

Then how did any of the Xbox Live Arcade games, which were originally exclusive to proprietary arcade system boards, get released? Or are these all in the "too large to be intimidated by them" category?

Comment TOS bans use of third-party clients (Score 1) 307

I said "clients", which you wrongly inferred to mean getting them from the service provider.

I guess I made this mistake because WhatsApp has been fairly aggressive over the past week at blocking third-party clients, and I seem to remember that Snapchat "expressly prohibits" their use.

Comment Parents will have to buy PCs (Score 1) 307

So what you're saying is that programmers need more than an iPad?

Agreed. And with programming classes becoming more widespread in high schools, a lot of parents will have to upgrade their kids from an iPad to at least a Raspberry Pi if not a full-scale PC.

I wouldn't want to program on a netbook either

This is where my taste differs. During freezing or wet weather, I ride public transit to and from work, and in my satchel I carry a 10" laptop on which to work on hobby programming projects.

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