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Comment Historical Revisionism (Score 1) 80

The criticism of Elop is my nerd pet peeve. He took over a company that was already in serious trouble - the previous CEO had been fired for losing massive market share. Nokia at the time was basically in the business of selling dumbphones and feature phones in a world that already had the (very good) iPhone 4. Android 2.3 was good enough that decent sub $200 smartphones were becoming a thing and killing the 3rd world market for Nokia's dumbphones.

Elop either had to go with Windows Phone or become yet another Android manufacturer ala LG or Ericsson. Polishing up a nerdy new platform with no developer support wasn't a real option against established, mature competition.

It didn't work, but of course it was a long shot. The only valid criticism of Elop is that he failed to perform a miracle.

Comment Re:Obvious Question (Score 1) 129

Yo Mr. Constitutional Expert, which one fits best? "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;" or "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,"? Maybe "To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."???

Comment Guest editor (Score 1) 128

Who was that guest editor who wrote an editorial about how replaceable battery were battery banks? Was this written by the same guy?

People can already easily buy bluetooth accessories that do this well...a bluetooth speaker, keyboards, game controller, etc. (The idea of add-on lenses is stupid).

So what is this guy arguing? That Apple should promote it more? That there should be official Apple licensed bluetooth game controllers? That users should be more into it? That app developers should do a better job supporting it?

Comment Re:Sympathy for the Devil (Score 0) 147

Maybe you don't use Instagram or phone apps, but enough people do that there is simply much less content for Google to Index than before. Which is why you might as well add "+reddit" to any web search - that and Wikipedia are just about the only places which still have anything that anybody might care about.

Comment Re:Question (Score 1) 106

Look at it historically. The constitution wasn't the US's first government. The first was the Articles of Confederation, which was generally understood to be a failure because the federal government was too weak. The whole point of the Constitution was to replace a state driven model with a stronger Federal government.

Comment Sympathy for the Devil (Score 2, Interesting) 147

How is Google not going to suck more? The internet has changed. Nobody's writing webpages anymore. Who's still blogging? People use the internet by logging on to Instagram or using a phone app, which can't be accessed by a Google search.

That is a very angry bit of editorializing, and it's entirely misplaced.

Comment Re:I wonder if it'll get even worse because of AI (Score 0, Troll) 165

Still bummed that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a book intended for children, got rid of references to blacks being packed up in ships and made to be unpaid labor with whips? Did you love the description of their big lips and how they are given away as property?

A better whine is how "Lord of the Flies" got rid of Piggy calling the wild kids the n-word. However of course that was the right decision, Piggy dropping racist language changes our understanding of the character unless it's read as a historical artifact.

Comment Re:Even fake leather is better (Score 1) 39

But it's not like the leather is going to be thrown away and Apple is pulling cowskin out of dumps. It's still going to be used, with or without Apple. Just, Apple driving up the demand for leather means cow ranchers get paid more, which means cows are more economical to raise, which means more cows get raised...and raising cows is bad for the environment.

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