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Comment Re:You can never trust companies (Score 1) 82

I don't even read any assurances from Rogers, just weasel words like what the NSA says:

Nest's founder Matt Rogers anticipated this issue, and insisted that there's no reason to worry. In his blog post, he says that data won't be shared with anyone, including Google, without a customer's permission.

Probably in the fine print that by using the product you have given permission, and if you don't want to give permission you need to opt-out by sending a letter through the USPS. Oh, and it must be received on a day when there is a full moon, signed in blood, and sealed with the king's seal.

In this day-and-age of corporate spying you must always assume the worst.

Comment Re:Shedding some light (Score 1) 76

> The telescope will shed light on the 'dark ages' of the universe,

No, actually the telescope will *collect* light from the dark ages of the universe. If it shed light it would be the world's biggest fucking flashlight.

Being a pedant is hard these days.

It will metaphorically 'shed' light on the dark ages of the universe by collecting the light from said dark age.

Of course following Muphry's law I've probably made some mistake in my post.

Comment Re:War on terrorism (Score 1) 875

Even the cops are afraid...

This is the part that is weird. Police officer as a profession isn't even in the top ten most dangerous jobs in the U.S., and yet we act like they are dying at every turn. What about truck drivers, or power-line workers, or iron-workers? These are the real heroes who are dying every day on the job.

I'm not saying there aren't good cops, but I have a friend who is a police officer. And to him if you aren't a cop or someone he knows well, you are suspect. He is paranoid, and that is drilled into them in the culture they are in.

Comment Re:ugh (Score 1) 222

The death penalty shouldn't be decided by algorithm.

But isn't the death penalty already decided by algorithm?

  1. Black? Check
  2. Kill or threaten or hint or look like you might kill Americans? Check
  3. Can't afford a good lawyer or live outside of the US? Check

I heard a guy today at work say "Did you see Bergdahl's dad? He had a beard out to here! (motions with hands) He looks like a Taliban." I said, "He must be a Taliban then." (Most of the men that I've looked up to have had huge beards.)

The death penalty should be abolished. Especially because right now it is decided by a bunch of stupid fucking barely more competent than monkey algorithms.

Comment Re:Frightening (Score 0) 269

pretty much all of it impacts national security

Pretty much all? Clearly, if the NSA is doing something it impacts national security. Otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. Duh. Besides that, it's right there in their name. National Security Agency, see?

On /. my nick is pitchpipe, but in real life my name is Truth Teller, and do you know what I say? You're a fucking moron. It must be true because it's right there in my name: Truth Teller. Duh. See?

Or do you think it might not be that simple?

Comment Re:Frightening (Score 5, Insightful) 269

The law says it's perfectly legal for NSA to destroy evidence that would compromise national security if revealed in a civil court.

So the NSA gets to decide which evidence could impact national security of course, and pretty much all of it impacts national security so there is effectively no oversight. So pretty much the NSA operates as an unchecked branch of the government.

You apologist are many things: cowards, shills, etc. Patriots you are not. You are undermining our democracy (however much we have left).

Comment Frightening (Score 4, Interesting) 269

To all of you government surveillance apologists: doesn't it really frighten you that these guys routinely don't follow the law and get away with it? It scares the shit out of me. These people have the power to destroy you and everything/everyone that you love, and they seem to have nothing guiding them but their gut feel. How do you know they won't mistake your kid for a terrorist? Or bust down your door in the middle of the night tossing a flash-bang into your kids crib?

These fucking people are out of control and need some serious jail time.

Comment Stupid? (Score 1, Insightful) 339

I'm not simply arguing that the Singularity is stupid â" people much smarter than me have covered that territory.

"Stupid"? That's just fucking asinine. "The Singularity" has many incantations, some of which are plausible, and others which are downright unbelievable, but to say it is "stupid" makes you sound stupid. The various models of the singularity have been argued as both likely and impossible by equally intelligent people. I take offense to the word.

Comment Re:Welcome to your new walled garden (Score 5, Insightful) 225

It's only going to get worse as more and more "platforms" get tied to some company curated web store.

HA! Pretty soon they'll have your desktop acting just like a smart phone: no privacy what-so-ever with every app knowing when you take a shit to when your SO is ovulating.

No fucking thanks indeed!

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