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Comment Re:I'm quite surprised it wasn't (Score 1) 523

Could you post your calculations that lead you to that conclusion. Do you think that the engineers who designed the space craft forgot to make the same calculation?

Power falls off at the square of the distance. Nobody ever said that the engineers failed to make that calculation, but that the power levels of the craft would have to be lower than my phone power needs to be able to function at those distances. That seems difficult. Nobody said impossible. Nobody said it wouldn't work. Someone said that the power would be low that far out. The rest was fabricated by you.

Comment Re:So basically (Score 1) 445

If you expatriate and thus no longer derive "income" from US sources, they still hunt you down for ten years to tax you some more... in effect they nail you with a serious exit tax.

In case anyone reads this, it is 100% wrong. He is lying to make a point. No, I'm not going to debate the point with him. I am an expat. I had to deal with it more than him. He just read something once that was a lie to make a point, and he's repeating it. But he's a zealot. So there's no point addressing this to him. I just don't want anyone else reading it and thinking that's correct. It's not.

Comment Re:So basically (Score 1) 445

I'm a socialist libertarian. The problem with libertarians is that they think the government should be small. I believe it should be effective (and with that, it would be small if it were ideally effective).

In practice, libertarians are also anti-democracy. Because they don't trust anyone else with the vote. Benevolent dictatorship is the libertarian ideal. Though sometimes they call it a "constitutional" democracy, where the constitution eliminates the power of the vote.

Comment Re:So basically (Score 1) 445

The Libertarian philosophy is the most self-consistent of all available.

So, does a person have the right to carry a gun on them in public? What about in private? Must they notify the landowner if requested? Why does the ownership of the land trump the personal liberty to carry a gun?

Is abortion murder, or a medical procedure?

Libertarians fight over such issues amongst themselves, so it's not very self consistent. The self consistent libertarian philosophy is the one based on property having rights, but people don't have rights. When you over-simplify to that abominable extreme, it agrees with 90% of the Libertarian philosophy, and is self-consistent. But highly impractical.

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