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Comment Re:Oh, please. (Score 1) 599

As far as the ACA goes, this is what I've seen :

Republicans put in the individual mandate as a handout to the insurance companies. (C'mon, you're going to seriously try to convince me that MANDATING that folks have healthcare, in effect giving insurance companies TONS of new customers isn't a handout?)
Republicans then campaigned against the mandate, because....reasons.
Republicans drag their feet, Republican states refuse to implement the plan, Republican states refuse to expand Medicaid.

Granted, Democrats have had their share of bullshit doings as well, but seriously... The Republican bullshit-fest, hand wringing, wailing and FUD are at *epic* levels. Never in my life have I seen so many ill-educated people argue against getting fucked over by corporations before. It's a demonstration of the power of advertising....especially FALSE advertising.

Comment Re:Too CPU hungry (Score 1) 188

Most rendering engines aren't single threaded, and most browsers use GPU acceleration. However, on mobile adding a bunch of animations will surely lower battery life, so I just switched from Chrome to Firefox on my Android device as animated and sound filled ads are evil and Chrome mobile lacks extension support.

Comment Re:So Cal Edison Reduces Local Headcount w/ Tata, (Score 1) 176

Reimage monkeys were never valuable, they were a necessary evil that companies tolerated while they had to. If you didn't drive your skills up the value chain then you either lack the ability to or you lack ambition, neither of which generally leads to a lucrative career path. Heck, when VMWare and other vendors try to sell me expensive management tools to save me time I laugh because my team spends probably only 15-20% of our time doing management of the infrastructure, the rest is spent working on projects that bring value to the business.

Comment Re:Best money Tom Steyer ever spent (Score 0) 437

You know, for being so pro-big-government, the size of that government sure has been shrinking, eh? I'm guessing that by this logic, he's also really anti-gun...*ahem*.

Republicans and their Big Business overlords want smaller government for the same reason crooks want less police. It makes their lives easier. The Tea party is funded by the Koch bros, bankrolled practically from day one. If my contact with them is to be believed, they are ignorant and quite proud of that fact. Just look at all the climate change deniers hanging on to them, along with the hyper-religious anti-gay movement. Not prejudiced? Perhaps not on paper so to speak, but dude...it's not like you have to go very far to hear one of them waxing on about "legitimate rape" or some other such drivel. I have no love for that bunch of morons. They are what happens when you live in states that fund more prisons than schools.

Comment Re:Turns out agencies don't really work like that (Score 1) 145

The talent agencies are desperate for growth, they've already massively consolidated and recently started buying the sports management companies, so I'm sure if they think they can make money off the arrangement they'll try. The problem for programmers is that even really, really good ones only make 2-3x the league minimum for the major sports leagues so agents might not want to deal with the work for their 10% cut.

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