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Comment Re:Linkedin took the bird in hand (Score 1) 64

The problem is that this might mean that the deal is impossible to complete. If the buyer's stock drops too low then they may not ever be able give the amount of stock, or it could end up being 100% of the buyer, which they probably can't agree to. It's too difficult and complex a deal to manage to pull off that I don't think anyone would take it seriously.


Life's Too Short For Slow Computers (theverge.com) 137

Nilay Patel, the Editor-in-Chief of The Verge looks back the Apple Watch, the company's first wearable device which went on sale roughly a year ago. In the article, Patel notes that Apple Watch, a computing product, is just too slow at doing some of the most basic things such as running apps. He writes: Here's the problem with the Apple Watch: it's slow. It was slow when it was first announced, it was slow when it came out, and it stayed slow when Watch OS 2.0 arrived. When I reviewed it last year, the slowness was so immediately annoying that I got on the phone with Apple to double check their performance expectations before making "it's kind of slow" the opening of the review. [...] The grand ambition of the Apple Watch is to be a full-fledged computer on your wrist, and right now it's a very slow computer. If Apple believes the watch is indeed destined to become that computer, it needs to radically increase the raw power of the Watch's processor, while maintaining its just-almost-acceptable battery life. And it needs to do that while all of the other computers around us keep getting faster themselves.

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