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Comment Re:Circumcised at age 18? (Score 1) 221

Frankly I think the procedure should simply be banned outright, with very long prison sentences for anyone performing a circumcision without a good solid medical reason. It's barbaric, no different than female circumcision which seems to be the cause célèbre of modern women's rights activists. And yes, I know circumcision can confer some health benefits (my understanding is it slightly reduces HIV transmission, as well as protecting against some kinds of infections), so does a woman having double mastectomies to prevent breast cancer, and yet I don't see a general move to lop off all women's breasts.

Submission + - Homeopathy Turns Out To Be Useless For Treating Medical Conditions (

MightyMartian writes: It should prove to be no surprise for most rational people, but a group of Australian researchers have determined that homeopathy is completely useless at treating medical conditions. Researchers sifted through 1,800 research papers on homeopathy and found no reliable report that showed homeopathic remedies had any better results than placebos.

Comment Re:This sucks. (Score 1) 299

If you've suffered a rehabilitating stroke or suffered some other catastrophic illness or injury that renders you incapable of doing the deed, it strikes me as completely unfair to deprive you of the ability to end your life. That's not even counting people who are suffering terminal illnesses.

Creating regulations is the way you eliminate, or at least make far less dangerous the slippery slope.

Submission + - Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld series, dies aged 66 (

MightyMartian writes: From the article:

Sir Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld series of novels who had early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, has died aged 66, his publishers have announced.

He passed away in his home, with his cat sleeping on his bed surrounded by his family on Thursday.

He completed his last book, a new Discworld novel, in the summer of 2014.

Larry Finlay, MD at Transworld Publishers, said in a statement: “The world has lost one of its brightest, sharpest minds.”

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I never cheated an honest man, only rascals. They wanted something for nothing. I gave them nothing for something. -- Joseph "Yellow Kid" Weil
