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Comment Re:Great Recession part II? (Score 2) 743

Don't underestimate the mental impact it will have. When Greece crashes then investors will look into other investments and see how viable they are and get scared and pull the plug to save what they have - and we may experience a '29 avalanche.

Meanwhile populist parties are growing in strength and fanatics like IS are brewing - starts to look like there's a lot of fuel that only needs a spark.

Comment Re:Eurofututre (Score 4, Interesting) 743

I'm a bit surprised that the Euro hasn't cracked yet.

Europe is too diverse to be able to sustain a single currency without tensions that can lead to disaster.

It's more a question of when than if Greece is forced to leave the Euro. But when that happens there are going to be other countries that follows.

Submission + - Poll: When it comes to polls...

TheCreeep writes: I always vote
I sometimes vote
I never vote
I vote randomly
I complain about lack of options
I look for the CowboyNeal option

Submission + - How Java Changed Programming Forever

snydeq writes: With Java hitting its 20th anniversary this week, Elliotte Rusty Harold discusses how the language changed the art and business of programming, turning on a generation of coders. 'Java’s core strength was that it was built to be a practical tool for getting work done. It popularized good ideas from earlier languages by repackaging them in a format that was familiar to the average C coder, though (unlike C++ and Objective-C) Java was not a strict superset of C. Indeed it was precisely this willingness to not only add but also remove features that made Java so much simpler and easier to learn than other object-oriented C descendants.'

Comment Re:Password updating (Score 2) 150

I agree to some extent - frequent changes hurts more than it helps. Changing password shall be when it's considered necessary, and it's only you that uses the password that can decide that.

But to increase security a 2-factor authentication shall be used, so that you need to combine with a keycard or similar in order to gain access. That will make it harder for anyone that wants to gain access to the net.

But if you want higher security you should also build your net within a company on segments so that there are several separate segments of the network within the company. E.g. Human Resources should run their segment, Management another etc. That way a security compromise would not be as serious as if it was on a non-segmented network. This will of course require separate servers for the different segments and internal firewalls.

Submission + - Linux Dev's Purported 4096 bit RSA Key Factored 1

An anonymous reader writes: A PGP subkey for Kernel developer Peter Anvin from a public Sks Keyserver was discovered to be divisible by 3. The weak key was discovered by a web service which calls itself the Phuctor which has since factored two other keys as a chews on an sks keyserver dump. Whether the key was generated weak or if it was strong before becoming corrupted on a keyserver it is extremely troubling that such a weak key representing such an important Linux developer could be served.

Comment Re:Fuck you. (Score 1) 618

Enforce too much ads and people will go elsewhere, but now we have the adblockers so people will go wherever they like. That's the reason why people no longer watch TV - they can't avoid the ads that spams them with perceived higher audio volume, stroboscopic effects causing epilepsy and doubling the time a show goes on.

Ever considered why some sports are more available on TV than others? Baseball and American Football - you can inject ads often. The long full course yellows on motorsports are great for ads - and they are a lot longer and more frequent today than a few years ago.

Also look at magazines that have died over time. A magazine that was once popular and thin grew fatter and fatter with ads while a lot of the content became watered down and suddenly people stopped buying that magazine.

That said - I can live with ads if they aren't impacting on the stuff I want to access. Often a text ad of around 10 words is enough to catch the attention of anyone that's interested. Throwing up a full page ad covering the content alienates the visitor completely and will result in people looking for a belt-fed shotgun to clean out the company behind the ad.

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