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Comment Re:Create a non-admin account for them (Score 1) 340

Norton? LOL.

From the fact that he's completely illiterate about computers automatically implies he already has Norton installed. That AND the fact he's on AOL.

It seems OP is pretty savvy, why not register a domain name for him and set up an SMTP account you can remotely administer. It doesn't mean he'll never have his email hacked, but he'd be less of a target.

Star Wars Prequels

Submission + - The man who designed Darth Vader dies. (io9.com)

therufus writes: It's a sad day for the concept art world. Ralph McQuarrie, the artist who created concept designs for the first Star Wars trilogy, the original Battlestar Galactica television show, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T., and other science fiction classics, has passed away at age 82. He set our minds on fire and made so many of us fall in love with science fiction. He'll be missed.

Comment Avoid 8, there's a pattern (Score 0) 266

I've found there is a pattern for MS operating systems:
95 = unstable
98 = excellent
ME = better left forgotten
XP = still kicking and doing ok
Vista = poorly received
7 = best yet

That's my opinion based on being in the industry and speaking with other computer techs over the past 15 years or so. So with the bad/good/bad/good/bad/good pattern, I'm staying clear of 8 and waiting for 9 ;)

Comment Just go away Apple! (Score 0, Troll) 316

Apple haven't made a decent product in years, they can hardly be called innovators, they're just a marketing monster. And when someone does something vaguely distasteful to them, they sue them. Maybe Apple is just a branch of the Cult of $cientology.

The fact that Apple have such market share is proof that society is slowly getting dumber and dumber.

Comment Show your inner nerd (Score 1) 722

Server = Howard (from the Mighty Boosh days)
Laptop = Bollo (again, Mighty Boosh)
New server = Leonard (The Big Bang Theory)
New PC = Sheldon (same)

Originally I had all surnames from The Simpsons but got sick of trying to spell Nahasapeemapetilon.

Submission + - Anonymous to form a bank? (bigthink.com)

therufus writes: Bitcoin is an open-source virtual currency generated by a computer algorithm that is completely beyond the reach of financial intermediaries, central banks and national tax collectors. Bitcoins could be used to purchase anything, at any time, from anyone in the world, in a transaction process that it is almost completely frictionless. Yes, that's right, the hacktivists now have a virtual currency that's untraceable, unhackable, and completely Anonymous.

Submission + - Ubisoft's DRM cracked. For real this time. (pcpowerplay.com.au)

therufus writes: A few days after the release of Assassin's Creed II, naughty piracy sites were announcing they had cracked Ubisoft's Online Services Platform. Turns out, that wasn't entirely true. While it was possible to load into the game, players were unable to advance past a certain memory block. But now, it seems like they'll need to draft a new response. Less than 24 hours ago, a crack began circulating that removes the DRM entirely. PC Powerplay Australia has been covering the development.

Comment Re:That's what we use (Score 1) 896

Eee-Set, nod thirty two.

Not a real tongue twister if you ask me.

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is tougher. We just say Em-BAM though ;)

Better yet, see how many people can't pronounce Kaspersky. I've heard "Gas-ber-skie", "Kas-ker-skee" and "Ka-per-skee". Last time I checked it was named after Eugene Kaspersky who pronounces his name "Kass-per-skee".

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