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Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 190

First off, lets ignore the fact carpet bombing has minimal effectiveness.

I'd like you to ask the Iraqui army about that one...

You'll need replacements and it's much faster and cheaper to build a multitude of drones than it is to build a manned heavy bomber.

Drones can't deliver the seriously special/heavy ordnance required to bust deep bunkers

Comment what the fuck? (Score 1) 209

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what the fuck????

Comment Re:Single ARM kernel? (Score 1) 179

Oh FFS... nothing is stopping YOU from compiling your OWN platform specific kernel for your particular board... this uber ARM kernel however makes things far simpler for everyday folk to just download an ARM live disk and install it onto a laptop that has an ARM processor without having to jump through a multitude of hoops to cross-compile an image for his specific processor... there are a lot of ARM based laptops and tablets that do have the resources to handle this and it would make it far easier to get Linux onto them. No hoping someone has already produced an image for your particular tablet... like I have to keep searching for a prebuilt custom Android ROM for my particular phone/tablet...

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