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Comment Re:No matter how common you think it is... (Score 1) 209

Even ERP is a misnomer. I have used several different products that does that and each has it's own up and downs.

The biggest hurdle is generally changing internal processes to make use of the new software. The problem is 50% of people memorize absolute position rather than relative process. Ie every who complains about Msft ribbon memorizes the absolute position of procedures versus the process.

Comment Re:Third Amendment Violations, dead ahead (Score 1) 55

Some of the gun regulations they have proposed though have been far from sensible. In many cases a squirt gun(you know that shoots water at less pressure than your sink) could be built to fail them requiring regulation for it.

Assault weapon bans are bans on things that look like Assault rifles but aren't. As for who gets guns we have tons of laws already but it is such a mishmash that it can be bypassed. Sort of like how the companies can bypass the IRS taxes by shuffling money around.

Comment Re:Did he just notice that? (Score 1, Interesting) 529

Then why do employer not want to give up health insurance and let everyone get health insurance like they get car insurance? What about 401k's?

The thing is if employers want the duty to just pay you for services, then they should get out of everything that does not involve work.

But employers are the ones who object strongly making health insurance act like every other form of insurance. employers like the extra their employees pay them every year.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 381

If you forget your phone in your car, then you need a built in headset for your car so the phone can stay in your pocket.

Why would a watch know where your kids are? in order for that to work each child would need to be tagged like an animal. Also if you can't track kids at a playground please stop breeding. It isn't that difficult, I watch my nieces on a regular basis at the playground, and they tag team to make certain they can get away with stuff.

The mic on your watch won't give you better audio than pulling your phone out of your pocket.

remote camera control that is a decent idea. except that the display is tiny, won't show everything, and you have to be looking at your watch to press the button unless they use the whole screen for the take a picture button.

I always consider that things are beyond what I can dream about. In the last 30 years watches have faded away for many. Now they are as much jewelry as practical. You can't have a good looking smart watch. even the few that let you replace the bands with something more comfortable than stiff plastic are bulky. Now give me smart watch that is about as wide as my thumb, that shows me the time all the time. have it use a micro projector to push the image on to my forearm, and a laser projector to pick up where I am touching. That will take off.

Comment Re:@CauseBy - Re:Yes (Score 1) 381

Yes you can hit a button on your wrist easier.

But when dealing with a smart watch you aren't hitting a button. you need to tap a screen 3-4 times in the correct place while running to adjust one feature.

Strap your smartphone to your wrist and try to adjust the songs, now cut the screen size way down and try again. it is a lot harder.

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