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Comment Re:I have an idea (Score 1) 174

The profile is sourced after the bash shell has already initialised. If my understanding is correct, the exploits are triggered because bash parses the environment during initialisation.

Not sure if this is 100% correct, or if there is a difference in before vs after parsing, but if I am correct, this would not affect user profiles.

Anyone care to expand?

Comment Re:I never got the fascination with AMD/ATI (Score 1) 111

Just for your info, I covered the extra electricity charges for the coming month in under 24 hours.

And there are no ASIC chips for scrypt based mining yet so it's currently GPU mining all the way (to tha moon, lol).

I'm not 100% sure yet, but I also think that due to the very nature of the scrypt algorithm, ASIC mining is unlikely to come soon as it;s really reliant on having a lot of fast memory (Basically, high end video cards). There is one company that claims it's close to making one, but they have not actually shown anyone a working product yet so we'll see.

Comment Re:I never got the fascination with AMD/ATI (Score 1) 111

Yeah I thought I missed the bandwagon, but then I discovered scrypt based coins and it turns out I might just be able to catch the tail end of this ride. My first card I just bought should pay for itself in ~16 days. *IF* that happens, I will be upgrading to a bigger rig.

It's not too late.

Mine for WorldCoin by the way. It's still one of the best longterm options for mining.

I will either be wrong, in which case I have a perfectly sellable graphics card I can move on (Or game with) or I am right and BWUAAHAHAHAAAA

I think that's called win:win :)

Comment Re:I never got the fascination with AMD/ATI (Score 2) 111

I used to be an Nvidia guy until last week. Just hopped onto the crypto coin mining bandwagon and my new 7950 card should pay for itself in ~2-3 weeks.

Nvidia are junk for this, unfortunately.

And it shows, you try to find a new or 2nd hand 79xx card anywhere for a reasonable price. They have all been snapped up by the miners :(

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