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Comment Yup, educators are whores, .... (Score 1) 367

....which is why so many of them then run for political office, so as whorescum they can do even more damage.

I have to constantly remind new occupants of Washington state that both our so-called "democratic" senators, Maria Cantwell and (former teacher) Patty Murray, voted down the public option for the ACA or Obamacare. Murray was a moronic teacher, now she's a moronic --- and corrupt --- politician (who voted for every military/Iraq War financing bill under Bush).

Comment Re:Felony Charges? (Score 1) 367

Well said! Well articulated, good citizen, gnasher719!

Indeed, the purpose for Rockefeller-based predatory capitalistic educational systems is to acclimate students for the fascist business world, where the criminal corporations believe, as workers, you also have no rights (and one ALWAYS has to take them to court to alter such thinking and behaviors).

Both the school administrators, and deputy sheriff involved, had better have lost their jobs --- if not, they should be sued until they do!

If they didn't then this simply points to what criminal organizations the school and the sheriff's department are.

Comment That would be "frenemy of the state" I believe . . (Score 1) 275

Which reminds me of when I was trying to track down the likely parties involved in that missing $8.7 billion in Iraqi oil funds (kept on account at FRBNY, or the New York Fed, the government contractor was JPMorgan Chase, and the funds, although tenuously overseen by the Ex-Im Bank at Baghdad, were really controlled through the Coalition Provisional Authority, or CPA---Iraq), ascertained that Timothy Geithner was chair of the NY Fed at that time, while his old college roomie and best-friend-forever, Daniel Zelikow was the managing director at JPMC in charge of that contract, while it took quite some time to deduce that Reuben Jeffery III was the CPA guy, as his name was consistently misspelled in government files, reports and sites (Reuben Jefferies, or Reuben Jeffrey, or Jeffrey Reuben, etc.).

Timmy Geithner moved on to be Treasury Secretary, while Danile Zelikow is back at Goldman Sachs and Reuben Jeffery III (former Goldman Sachs dood) became CEO at Rockefeller Financial (replacing the previous CEO who died by suicide, of course, quite a few "suicides" surrounding that entire affair, especially the most bizarre "suicide" of Philip Merrill, who was head of Ex-Im Bank at that time in Iraq, and was about to meet with a journalist?

Comment Thank you, Sique (Score 1) 392

These bozos and rubes making such inane comments have no idea how the super-rich "earn" their wealth, by rigging ALL the financial markets (LIBOR rates, interest rate derivatives rates, precious metals markets, forex, commodities speculation/manipulation, virtual naked short selling through the DTCC's Stock Borrow Program, internalization --- where the top brokerages sell almost 100% of their retail stock orders everyday to the top banks and hedge funds, where they control the matching internally on their own computer systems, or "dark pools" and therefore have insider knowledge of the market, etc., etc., etc.). Bet the commenter has no idea how naked swaps work!

Comment Lies, thy name is McKinsey and Company and McKinse (Score 2) 392

Read The Billionaire's Apprentice, paying close attention to p. 139 where Gupta explains how at McKinsey they took the GDP of America (and Germany) and broke down all the jobs which could be offshored, then made their big bucks selling corporations on offshoring them (which didn't really take much selling, after all).

Comment Comment on this story... (Score 1) 94

Just a thought: Intel and MITRE are both Rockefeller companies (the majority share holders in both Apple and Intel were originally the Rockefeller family, by way of Laurence Rockefeller, and I've yet to see anything suggesting that has changed). And, the owners of the semiconductor company (Freescale Semiconductor) well-represented on that missing Malaysian MH 370 flight are the Blackstone Group and Carlyle Group (Blackstone Group began with seed money from David Rockefeller, and its co-founder, Peter G. Peterson, has long been his protege). Interesting confluence of ownership and financing?

Comment Re:How about we disband the Dept of Education? (Score 1) 295

Negative, although this isn't a positive move, it is to further defund education in America for the masses. The ONLY way to move towards a real smidgen of meritocracy would be to nationalize American education systems, and enforce an equitable spread of financing not dependent upon local property values.

Comment Further Obama bullcrap (Score 0) 295

During the Obama Administration great "progress" has been made in the erosion of public education, a k a the privatization of American education for the benefit of Wall Street, to the detriment of any semblance of social mobility (which the USA ranks last in on the OECD countries' chart) and meritocracy. Just as they are downsizing community colleges to greatly increase economic disadvantage (most noticeable in California) so too is this yet another way to defund education in America.

Obviously, holding colleges accountable for Wall Street is the most ludicrous and most blatant form of economic warfare conceivable!

Comment Re:Gates is a 1%er He wants us oppressed. (Score 2) 335

Thank you, Micro$oft donates to American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc., according to their tax returns (and this has been online for a number of years now, so don't any of the usual douchetard trolls request the link, you know how to use Google, morons), with the directors being David Rockefeller, international war criminal, Henry Kissinger and Richard Perle.

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