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Comment willfull obtuseness + sophistry (Score 5, Insightful) 441

I have never seen a "Netflix charge" on my Comcast bill. They have not been charging their users extra for Netflix.

As if you don't know who Comcast is charging here.

They HAVE asked Netflix to pay for the capacity upgrade at the border gateways -- capacity that is being used in large part by Netflix and is making Netflix money. Netflix is profiting from a peering agreement that Comcast has to pay for. Seems fair to me that Netflix pays part of the costs of upgrade.

Any more Comcast propaganda you want to regurgitate? You also know perfectly well that Netflix has offered to place storage services within ISP networks. But even if they weren't, it's none of Comcast's concern as Netflix is already paying for their access and Comcast's customer's are paying for theirs.

Comment Re:Why is it even a discussion? (Score 0) 441

You actually believe the FCC won't cater to any particular group's requests?

Ironic, coming from a devout follower of Libertarian Magic Dust. This isn't hard: when the government is caving to corporate interests on matters of regulation, it's frequently a bad thing (bank bailouts + no prosecution of bankers) it's a bad thing and if it's done in opposition to those interests, it's generally a good thing (S&L prosecutions, mandating seat belts be installed on new cars).

On this, the feds are acting in opposition to telecom monopolies, which is a good thing.

Comment "Remecial Civics" (Score 4, Interesting) 441

Congress, who is actually in charge of passing laws, says, "Hey, wait a minute. Shouldn't we have looked at this first?"

You mean the same Congress that delegated power to the agency in question to make just these sort of rules??? If Congress wants to pass new legislation to revoke that authority (or the budget of the agency under the Executive), it is free to do so - but that does nothing to change the fact that Congress approved it in the first place. You can find similar examples on everything from pot to DADT.

Comment Re:Libertarianism, the new face of the GOP? (Score 5, Insightful) 441

However, I believe that once Government gets involved, no matter how noble in purpose at the start, it won't end up that way.

Yes, there's a term for that - Confirmation Bias. These Randian notions are just as reasonable - or as asinine - as saying starting a business will lead to fraud, bribes, sexual harassment, and toxic waste siphoned into the river. Because what other businesses have done, all businesses will do.

the FCC rules will effectively kill off smaller shops

Baseless tautology is baseless.

And they are solving the wrong problem. The real problem is back at the last mile, where there is NO CHOICE.

Which can only be addressed by heavy regulation, or by (gasp!) socialized infrastructure. Both of which are anathema to Randians, so this brings us to the second term of the day: Cognitive Dissonance.

Comment Re:Hell No Hillary (Score 3, Informative) 676

The first four of those are tired right wing BS - which is ironic, given how Hill is a hard core right winger. There's plenty of legit criticism of her, but it all comes from the left:

Her support for nasty dictatorships a la Mubarak in Egypt
Supporting the coup in Honduras
Supporting the coup in Ukraine
Supporting coup attempts in Venezuela
Writing the TPP
Pushing the Keystone pipeline
Draconian sanctions on Iran for the nuclear weapons program both the CIA and Mossad say Iran doesn't have

Comment Re:Energy use (Score 1) 332

They're shutting it down instead of refitting/repairing it because

Because nuclear power is a bad, bad joke. There isn't a plant on this planet that rolls the full cost of construction, security, insurance, maintainance, or decommission into the rates it charges, much less storing the radioactive waste for thousands of years.

Comment CARS, not automobiles (Score 1) 407

US automobile production was 11 million in 2013, while Germany produced 5.7 million.

Too bad I was talking about cars, then. Why is it that every time this factoid is mentioned, people try to move the subject to automobiles, total?

It's like someone saying GM produces more cars and trucks than Honda, and then someone saying Honda is the largest engine maker in the world because in addition to cars, they make ATV's, riding lawnmowers, and personal watercraft. The later is a true statement....but a non sequitur in response to the first.

Comment Re:you cannot fight the tide (Score 1) 407

Even the German cars may not be made in Germany, BMW or example only makes half its cars there and Spartanburg SC is poised to overtake Dingolfing as the highest volume plant.

But that hair splits at both ends, as many "Detroit" cars are made in Mexico or Canada.

Actually, Germany produces about half as many cars as the US.

Only if the goalpost is moved from cars to "all automobiles" a la the AC below. But I didn't say automobiles, I said cars.

Comment Re:Was IBM never a chip maker?! (Score 1) 74

We still need to "work" 40 hours a week or more, while in the 19th century they were able to go from 100 hour workweeks to 40 with unionized workers

Wal-Mart and Massey Energy would be quite happy to pay their workers in company scrip and force them to live in company towns, if they could, in today's world. They don't because they can't - and they can't because unions forced reforms like weekends, a 40 hour work week, and a minimum wage.

Comment Re:About time. (Score 2) 407

I'm about as Liberal as it comes when it comes to social support networks being the backbone of an effective country and economy. But government can't bear the entire burden of your unemployment, you bear some costs in that including having to draw down personal assets including possessions because you are an adult who bears responsibility for your employment.

The latter half of your statement makes a bald-faced liar out of the first. It's as much of a farce as watching Obamabots continuing they oppose war yet support Obama's drone strikes at the same time.

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