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Comment Only a Latte or two? Not even close. (Score 1) 722

There is a huge decrease in what is available if we go streaming only.

Out of the 13 DVDs in my queue, only 2 are available by streaming.
Most of those unavalable are Criterion Collection movies by Kurosawa and Ingmar Bergman.

If they remove Babylon5 from my streaming queue before I'm done watching the whole series, I'm going Narn on someone ass.

Comment Re:What is the ICD-10 code (Score 2) 254

What is the ICD-10 code for being a dickless idiot. They could save time by automatically adding it to the record of all Federal employees. OK - maybe not the FBI - honestly I didn't mean you, I was just sayi.....

The ICD-10 codes for being a dickless idiot would be:
Q56.4 Indeterminate sex
F79.1 Unspecified mental retardation with significant impairment of behaviour requiring attention or treatment

Comment Re:Proportions? (Score 1) 263

You don't know the half of how trivial that payment is.
Speaking from first-hand experience with the Danieli v. IBM overtime lawsuit , IBM settled that lawsuit for $7.5 Million. The total amount of time it took them to agree to that amount once the lawyers were all together? 2-3 hours. That's right. For the privilige of claiming no wrong doing, they paid $7.5 Million.

The same bribery thing happened in the late 90's in Argentina. A couple of IBM South America execs were facing prison time over that one. Why isn't there jail time this time around?

Comment Re:Is anyone else scared? (Score 1) 448

You have to ask?

We have a Govorner busting unions in Wisconsin. (FYI - I'm not fully pro-union, but I am pro-"people need a voice" and pro-bargaining.)

We have corporations convincing the SCOTUS that they need to be able to donate as much as they want to elected officials. (Funny how they don't want the common man to have the same influence as they do, or even a voice to object)

We live in a Corporate Fascist state. You're damn right be be scared.

We are moving to a country of Corporate Royals and Working Serfs. Guess what side of the boot tread you are.

Comment Want to ursurp Google, MS? (Score 1) 596

Here's my observation based on use of both search engines:

MS doesn't copy Googles results. If they did, Bing would actually return useful results.

When I need to search Microsoft's Knowledge Base, I use Google. Bing returns useless info half of the time for me. When your competing search engine returns better results that your own, on your own website, you can't consider yourself having a useful search engine.

Comment I remember seeing this! (Score 1) 262

I was in college at the time as a music major. I had just started to get interested in the Internet due to the fact that I could search for almost anything by telneting to other Universities and NASA.
My thought when I saw it on the TV was "duh, isn't it just the next ARPAnet?"

When people started talking about this newfangled thing about the same time, called the World Wide Web, I thought "Why can't I telnet to the web? Sounds like something I should Gopher."

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