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Comment Re:Small Airports Have Advantages (Score 1) 203

As an Angeleno, I feel the exact same way about Burbank vs. LAX.

LAX is a fucking nightmare in every possible way, from the parking, to the TSA security theatre, to the insane traffic you have to fight just to get there.

Flying in and out of BUR, I'm in and out of the airport in minimal time -- you usually don't even have a wait at the TSA checkpoint.

Comment I had one guy who had unbelievable chutzpah (Score 1) 227

This asshole cold-called me... AT THE OFFICE.... When I don't have a direct line, and he had to go through the front desk to get to me.

I told him to never call me again.

Apparently, the asshole was scraping LinkedIn, because the next day, he called about 90% of the office. You'd have thought he'd have got a clue when the secretary started hanging up on him.

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I use technology in order to hate it more properly. -- Nam June Paik
