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Comment Re:Presumably (Score 1) 175

Mortars have pretty poor accuracy as well. As well, they are not line-of-sight, so you have to have knowledge of the exact range and a good characterization of the ballistic performance of the mortar; then you have to dial in the correct elevation.

An RPG you just point directly at the bloody target and fire.

Comment Re:Storage space isn't the problem. (Score 1) 93

Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. The proper URL is http://www.freshports.org/sysutils/healthd/. Unfortunately all the links at that page are now dead and "there is no maintainer for this port". I will try it, with trepidation, though all other sensors related ports for FreeBSD appear to be garbage.

Comment Re:Storage space isn't the problem. (Score 2) 93

I built a FreeBSD 10.1 server with a single root ZFS pool consisting of seven 3 TB drives in RAID-Z3, including a small 7-way mirror of swap space. The process was completely pushbutton using the install UI. Partly I did it just to explore how much difficulty the install might be (no difficulty whatsoever), but the setup has proved very effective in use.

It was pretty cool rerouting some of the SATA connections randomly (even to a different HBA) as a test, and removing two of the drives as a test, and having it still boot to a fully operating state and run fully usably with no intervention or drama at all.

After extensive experimentation and production use, the only real criticism I have that is just head-scratchingly stupid and lame is that there is no sensor capability, and no one in development seems to think there is a glaring problem with its omission. Coretemp works beautifully, but you can't detect fan rotation or access any voltage or secondary temperature sensors.

Comment Re:How fucking tasteless (Score 1) 341

Nonsense. The US dropped the world's first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, a military base [accuracy.org]. That was because they wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians.

Oh, bullshit. Hiroshima was no more a "military base" than were any number of American cities.

A total of some 40,000 military personnel were present in the city. The rest of the approximately 350,000 population were civilians.

The number killed was very approximately 100,000. It is plain that not even the majority could possibly have been military personnel.

Comment Re:Teddy Roosevelt rides again! (Score 1) 318

Why is it people who make comments like this never realize those in government are even more greedy? Income tax rate in CA on top incomes is over 50%, but the guy paying it is the greedy one. lol

Sorry, but that won't wash with most thinking people. They realize that the taxes government raises are not to aggrandize the government, but to pay for programs intended to benefit people. The issue of whether many people IN government get unreasonably rich while performing their service is one which is completely separate from the issue of taxes.

Self-aggrandizement is a natural human tendency. One can try to limit it using social policy, or one can just let it run wild. I would say present policy, though it does aid the poor, hammers the middle class, and does next to nothing to inconvenience rich assholes in any way.

Comment Re:Teddy Roosevelt rides again! (Score 3, Insightful) 318

So are you a degenerate liar or just dumber then a box of rocks?

Calm down and cool it with the name calling. He is neither. He is not even mistaken. You add the top CA rate of 13.3% to the top Federal rate of 39.6% - a CA resident has to pay them both, you know - and, duh, the total is over 50%.

Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 0) 317

Nuclear has by far the lowest [environmental impact], but for the same reason that many environmentalists are still opposing the Keystone pipeline despite the reality of more incidents of environmental damage from the alternative (inefficient rail shipping with nearly 100x the rate of environmental exposure), it's all about emotion for many in the movement, not about what's truly, measurably better for the planet.

Yes, the total economic loss due to the Fukushima nuclear disaster, estimated at $240-500 billion, is nothing but emotion.

The total cost of resettlement, cleanup, and paying medical claims due to Chernobyl is estimated by Belarus at $235 billion.

A hypothetical nuclear disaster in France similar to Fukushima is estimated to cost $580 billion. Other estimates run much higher.

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