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Comment Re:if only more technical leads had this mindset (Score 1) 1051

i had the opportunity to work on three different commercial unix operating system teams and this mindset is consistent with the teams that hit schedule with the appropriate quality.

That's nice; it's still not a management style most people tolerate well. However, coercive leadership is useful when there is a serious issue occurring (emergency, etc) and work needs to be accomplished immediately to correct it. Yet, I think it could have been worded a little differently--they're volunteers after all.

Comment Google Docs is no MS Office (Score 5, Interesting) 243

The company I work for uses Google Docs extensively; in fact, we use it so much I wrote SAS scripts to interface with the API so we can easily share datasets in and out of Google Docs. While it's powerful for collaborative work over the Internet, especially with remote resources housed all over the world, it's no replacement for Office.

It doesn't have all the powerful tools Office does, it doesn't format documents the same as Office does (especially importing and exporting--and yes, I realize Office doesn't do all that well version to version), and it doesn't work all that well offline (if at all).

So it's no wonder a corporation dealing with other corporations would require Office knowledge. This is a non-story.

Comment Re:College sleaze (Score 2) 83

I worked in higher ed for most of my adult life at both non-profit and for-profit institutions and as such I like to pretend I know the good and bad of both models.

Based on the complaints of so many in the public regarding the for-profit/online model, I am blown away by the support for MOOCs outside of higher ed. I get it, free learning is great but what about actually verifying any learning was done? Are you seriously going to tell me that for-profit education should be killed off by a model which has absolutely no verifiable results? Where is the outrage about that? Solely because it's free we can rally around it? Please be serious.

As someone who is 10 weeks from graduating with a masters from a for-profit institution (it was free while I was employed there), I fully understand the challenges I will face in the workplace if I try to leverage that specialized degree. However, as a hiring manager, if someone said they were learning through MOOCs I wouldn't even give them the 1/100th of the consideration I would give to a candidate with a degree from a regionally accredited for-profit educational institution.

Let's stop with the rhetoric about how MOOCs are the savior of our failing higher education models. They're not and they never will be. A wonderful way to learn on your own but certainly not one that can be verifiable.

Comment Re:This is a HUGE rights grab. (Score 1) 313

Shocked? Really? Facebook owns them and does similar stuff with your photos there. Why would this shock you? On top of that, 99.999% of IG's users will never have their shitty photo used in this manner.

But, if you're really all that concerned (and you're not because you probably haven't quit FB for the same things) you'd use to download all of your photos and move to Flickr with their new Marissa Mayer Themed App which does the same things IG did for $24.95/year.

Please note: I am an avid IG user with nearly 700 photos on the service and I have a Flickr Pro account as well.

Comment Re:Ah, just what I wanted... (Score 4, Funny) 25

Just like e-mails I've received in say, oh, the last 5 years? There are just as few e-mails I should really be saving as tweets made but yet I have an archive of every e-mail sent or received since 6/22/2004 and a spotty archive of everything I've sent or received since 1994.

Let me tell you how useful the e-mails goes back to 1994 have been: I once found a deviled egg recipe my (at the time) future wife sent me in college. Man deviled eggs are yummy.


Comment Probably Would Have Been Better off in China (Score 5, Insightful) 936

These sorts of events are similar to what I would have expected in countries like China, not the United States. LEOs do not need to taser most people, especially a female who appears much less powerful than the officers holding her down in the video. The tool is used as a second-to-last resort, not as as way to make an arrest easier on the officers.


Comment Re:The actual reason (Score 5, Insightful) 375

Funny, aside from your incorrect assessment about webpage rendering (at least on the tablets I have tried), I don't want any of those things on a tablet. That's why I have a laptop.

When I'm taking transit (plane or bus) or sitting on the couch and I don't want to pull out my laptop, I don't see any problem with these genre of devices at all.

Apparently you're not the target market and that is just fine.

Comment I used Amazon for most of my shopping (Score 4, Informative) 174

I needed to get a few items this holiday season:

2. Digital camera and accessories
3. Kindle (original)
4. Clothes
5. Toys
6. Books
7. Misc

I got 6/7 items on Amazon. Why? A few reasons: I'm already an Amazon Prime member (as a student it was just stupid cheap and I like the streaming options for kids shows) and the very few times I've had a problem with what was shipped to me they have been nothing but spectacular in dealing with it; usually just immediately shipping out a new item without me having to send what I already received back before they'd send a new item.

I also personally believe the shopping experience is far superior to the other online options I looked through (NewEgg, Target and Walmart). Target's site was slow, cumbersome and confusing. Walmart was somewhat similar to Target but at least their site loaded and Amazon's prices were lower for the same or very similar product and next-day option at $3.99 or free at 2 day killed anything I saw elsewhere.

Overall Amazon has been a winner for me for years for bigger purchases and if they keep it up, they'll continue to get my business. While I don't consider myself a HUGE buyer at the holidays, aside from the clothing I bought for my wife where I needed a very specific item that wasn't available anywhere but where I purchased it from.


Comment Re:I don't understand German law but... (Score 1, Funny) 285

So the common carriers know I have an encrypted VPN running between work and my house 5 days a week. They know I have an encrypted VPN between my house and my mobile device 24/7/365 the rest of the time.

So they give the police my name, what then?

Q: "What are you doing with that encrypted VPN?"
A: "Hiding from my fantasy football league friends the fact that I'm watching".


Comment Re:Difficult (Score 1) 608

However, it's not fair to say that the drug is legal, but you aren't allowed to use it within a week (or whatever) of driving.

Since when did a minority's preference for a law to be written one way or another play into creation? Want to smoke pot in WA or OR? Go for it. Driving laws should not be in the least impacted by that. Take mass transit, if available, ride a bike, or walk. Otherwise, don't smoke.

Works for me.

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