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Comment Re:Xfce 5 should be based on Qt. (Score 1) 91

obscene amount of CPU time is uses for doing just about anything.

Yes, the obscene amount on a Nokia N900 phone, on an older Kindle, on a thin client, on a Pentium fucking 60 - maybe up to 5% of CPU at times. How is a modern system with GHz instead of 60 MHz and multiple cores going to cope?
It's best to think before posting Mr AC.

Comment Re:Xfce 5 should be based on Qt. (Score 4, Informative) 91

GTK+ has also been used as a strawman for X. The Wayland people have used the slow startup of the new gedit as their example of how X is slow, and they have used the network transparency problems with the new gtk+ to say that only "old" software does not spam the network with full sized bitmaps.
I wish Wayland the best but the fanboys who pretend that the bar for it to reach is set low are hindering it.

Comment Re:stop the pseudo-scientific bullshit (Score 1) 88

Another factor is nearby gas wells have lowered the local water table recently which changes how seasonal thawing happens on the spot, so "warming" should be taken literally as a matter of local conditions instead of a knee jerk assumption that the observer was blaming it on global warming so must be burned as a witch.

Comment Re:Slight factual error (Score 1) 270

because something exists and is important to niche users, it must not be true that it isn't used "a lot?" Huh?

If you read my earlier post (about "attacking obvious examples of abandoned industries") after writing all of that you must feel really stupid for wasting so much of your time :)
You missed the obvious example AND got things wrong in your criticism when you got "hung up on absolutes" by taking it literally and not as an obvious example, Were you drunk?
Also why all the anecdotal shit when you can look up freight numbers that will correct it anyway?

Comment Re:Sorry but I have to bite (Score 1) 270

If you are going to go that far back should I start mentioning slavery and some bad American management practices that demonstrate that it's sorely missed? Will that hold up enough of a mirror to show how stupid your above comments are?

The US financial system fucked up the world's economy and the Greek situation, Spanish situation, Irish situation etc is an echo of it (because they blew everything on GFC bailouts and the cupboard is now bare), yet you have the gall to blame it on some sort of racial stereotype that is the opposite of reality. Greeks are lazy? You need to get out of your gated community.

Comment That's the problem with a sequel. (Score 1) 222

If you watch the original with the understanding that Deckard is a replicant then the unicorn origami and the ending have specific, complex, implications.

Now if the sequel shows Deckard as a human then they piss off everyone who prefers those implications. So, in effect, the sequel ruins the story for some people.

If the sequel shows Deckard as an aged replicant ... robots get old? So replicant Deckard is either killed or kills or runs away again at the end. ALREADY BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST MOVIE!

Comment Either way it still gets drive-by malware (Score 0) 166

I don't know the mechanism, but IE as of 2015 is still just a single click away from infecting entire office networks with malware such as cryptolocker. Two recent events I've had reported to me were from clicking on an email link about parcel tracking (which opened IE, which then helpfully ran the malware in some way) and another to see an invoice (once again the two usual suspects of Outlook and IE).
I don't know if Firefox is immune to such a malware attack but I've only heard of it coming in via IE.

Comment Re:Interesting retort (Score 2) 98

A decade ago it was easy - post a pile of crappy jokes and karma is up to 50 in no time. Now there's apparently no karma for jokes, so the easy way to get mod points is to say X is shit and Wayland is not just for phones and tablets sometime soon but can now do everything X can now. The easy way to lose points and attract foes is to politely point out that neither is the case. Pick another trendy topic like bitcoin evangelism for similar results.

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