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Comment Re:Maybe if Clinton... (Score 0) 343

Hind sight is always 20/20, nuclear is NOT the answer, neither are wind or solar, in fact no technology can replace coal by itself but they are perfectly capable of doing it in combination. The US has turned to gas in a big way, that's not the answer either, it is a small improvement on emissions but the extraction methods may be poisoning the groundwater. IMO "the answer" is a well managed "net metering" grid with a diverse range of (locally tuned) generation methods in a "polluter pays" market.

Note that the "base load" argument from the coal industry (and some nuclear zealots) is utter nonsense aimed a people's ignorance, coal has always relied on other technologies to keep the lights on. The demand curve of a city is not flat, to match it coal requires hydro to store energy when the plant exceeds demand, and fast switching gas turbines to compensate when "stored hydro + base load" is not enough. Also a coal plant will be down for 2 months a year for maintenance, meaning to get the full output of 6 plants you need to build and operate 7. Solar has a fantastic advantage in summer since air-conditioning is the drain, not much good in winter when the air conditioner goes into reverse.

Many people will be able to see all this clearly manifest itself in their electricity bill as peak/off-peak rates.

Comment Re:nuclear power means unintended geoengineering (Score 1) 343

Quote from the link - "It is notable that the U.S. death rates for coal are so much lower than for China, strictly a result of regulation and the Clean Air Act (Scott et al., 2005). It is also notable that the Clean Air Act is one of the most life-saving pieces of legislation ever adopted by any country in history. Still, about 10,000 die from coal use in the U.S. each year, and another thousand from natural gas. Hydro is dominated by a few rare large dam failures like Banqiao in China in 1976 which killed about 171,000 people. Workers still regularly fall off wind turbines during maintenance but since relatively little electricity production comes from wind, the totals deaths are small. Nuclear has the lowest deathprint, even with the worst-case Chernobyl numbers and Fukushima projections..."

Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 5, Informative) 588

The claims themselves come from a single medical paper published in the late 90's that was eventually proven beyond reasonable doubt to have been a deliberate fraud. The reason for the fraud was to promote a competing vaccine by sowing doubt in the saftey of the existing vaccine formula. Jenny IS the (minor, soft porn) celebrity whoring her intelectual honesty for attention and profit.

Comment Re:u can rite any way u want (Score 1) 431

It is the age old battle between generations.

Not really, I'm a grandfather of three, I was taught english in primary school using a "do what you want" method similar to that described in TFA. I was sent straight to the "English for dummies" class in HS where they still failed miserably to teach me the difference between an noun and a verb. It was not until I applied for a university place at age 29 that I realised just how bad my english was, since that time I have improved dramatically. How? - Spell and grammar checkers, and the need to write a lot more than I did before going to university. Having said that, old habits die hard and I still sometimes conflate their/they're, your/you're, its/it's, etc. IMO kids who are taught with this method will be educationally handicapped and may not even realise they have a handicap until they are well into adulthood.

What people do not realized is that they have moved from the younger generation and become the older.

As soon as I wake in the morning my bones remind me I'm well past the half way mark.

Comment Re:Yes, but don't you agree there is abuse? (Score 1) 322

Yep, and by making their plans known MS allows it's customer's IT departments to plan. You can also bet that "MS partner" customers are pointing out which third party and in-house applications they want supported by, and tested with, new versions.

Five years and 9 months from now, Windows 7 users should pay more? Again?

If you expect them to keep servicing it then of course you should pay, and if you don't understand why then I'm assuming you have never been tasked with maintaining an active source tree in a commercial setting.

Comment Re:Do it enough times (Score 2) 149

As well, if something this simple could cause such an issue then clearly it is an issue for lots of other important security programs.

Yes, it's one of the most common memory handling bugs and is known as a buffer overflow, generally buffer overflows are difficult to exploit which can be seen in the fact that nobody has actually demonstrated extracting a key using this particular bug, just that it is "possible" to do so. Winning the lottery is also "possible".

There's all sorts of complete bullshit about this bug in the press, to paraphrase what I read today in the WSJ that "It turns out that just 4 European developers and some guy in the US are responsible for the code that secures the internet", utter drivel!

attach to your target and do it as many times as you want

There's almost certainly more than one layer of security for anything juicy, for example, the delay enforced on posts from the same Slashdot account makes it difficult (but not impossible) to spam Slashdot comments.

Comment Re:Reminds me of the Policy Analysis Market (Score 4, Interesting) 136

even if it couldn't have predicted the original flash point.

Funny you should say that, the diplomatic cable leaks showed that high level western diplomats in Syria were concerned about a civil war erupting due to the severe "fertile crescent" drought fuelling internal migration from rural areas to the cities (10% of Syria's total population simply abandoned their farms due to lack of water). The drought caused food prices to rise sharply and food riots became a regular occurrence in cities across the middle east and North Africa.

"flash point" - Have a look at why that protester set fire to himself in the public square and why it resonated so strongly across the Arab world, it wasn't because they all logged on to FB and suddenly realised their governments were tyrannical. Predicting this sort of social unrest is like predicting an earthquake in LA, you can be pretty confident that your prediction will come to pass but have no idea when.

Comment Re:shenanigans (Score 1) 386

They have a natural/God-given right to do so and no law passed by any number of people in the society can take away that right.

As I said it's a cultural thing, whether you believe it or not the vast majority of Aussies would strongly disagree with your statement as would the citizens of many (but not all) EU countries.

It may also surprise you that the laws here in Oz were promoted and enacted by John Howard who was the most conservative right wing prime minister we've had since the 60's. There is no discernible left/right divide over gun laws and socialised health in Oz, decades of surveys consistently report 80+% of the population support both initiatives (which is why the right wing embraced socialised health as a "God-given right" back in the 80's).

Disclaimer: A close relative of mine owned a hand gun collection of about 30 pieces under these laws for about 10yrs, he had a safe concreted into the floor, he had the cops knock and ask to look about 2-3 times in those 10yrs. None of this particularly bothered him, what caused him to sell his collection to a licensed dealer was his eldest son's heroine addiction.

Personally I don't see random inspections of private armouries as "tyranny" any more than I see random breath test as "tyranny", I actually see those two things as protecting MY right not to be killed/maimed by a drunk with a car/gun.

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