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Comment Re:Wow, I'd be pretty angry (Score 1) 167

I wonder how big an organization would have to be to actually make a private cloud useful. As you say, part of the benefit is having access to infrastructure that you don't have to pay for unless you need it. If you own the cloud than you have paid for every last piece of iron that is sucking up power in your datacentre. Does dynamic provisioning offset this cost? Would governments be the only clients that private clouds truly make sense for?

Comment Re:Yawn ... (Score 1) 167

Excactly, that is the key here. It does have its purpose and all too often these discussions focus on the 'Cloud vs Inhouse'. It's not that simple. You have weighed the pros and cons and have determined that cloud computing is more advantageous for you and probably a whole lot more cost effective. But its not a fit for everyone and I suspect cloud services over promise to some clients for which it is not a good fit.

Comment Re:Was impressed until.. (Score 1) 144

With the conservatives sometimes you win some and sometimes you lose some. The minute it becomes politically advantageous to harm the internet in the country you can bet they would. This is not a government that is concerned with doing the right thing. They want to get re-elected first and foremost. This time it worked in our favour. The other two major political parties are no better. The article makes it sound like Canada has it all figured out. I was chuckling when I read it. I guess if your frame of reference is the US political system then Canada looks great.

Comment Re:huh? (Score 1, Informative) 187

you know when you crack an egg in the pan and there is a little spec of blood. Quite common right? Well that is a fertilized egg. More common with free range chickens, because when chickens and roosters run around loose then...chickens gonna be chickens. Fertilized chicken egg, just as delicious and I don't lay awake at night thinking about it.

Comment Re:Cut to the chase... (Score 1) 219

I fully agree with this. The part I liked about this article is that they encourage students to install software, run webservers etc etc. You simply cannot do that in a Windows environment. As for IPads, I shake my head. Yes they are useful for some special needs kids, no argument there, but for teaching about computers and sparking their interest and creativity a Linux laptop or Raspberry Pi's in a lab would make for a far more vibrant learning environment.

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