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Submission + - Apache Declares War On Oracle Over Java (

CWmike writes: Charging that Oracle has willfully disregarded the licensing terms for its own Java technology, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has called upon other members of the Java Community Process (JCP) to vote against the next proposed version of the language, should Oracle continue to impose restrictions on open-source Java use. Apache has also indicated that it could end its involvement in the JCP if the licensing restrictions stay in place. 'Why would we want to be in an organization where the rules of law don't matter? Our being on the [JCP Executive Committee] would be a sham,' said Jim Jagielski, president and cofounder of the ASF.This is not a new battle for the ASF, and for the JCP as a whole. It has been such a contentious issue, in fact, that it has long delayed the voting process of the next version of the Java standard, Java 7. But the battle lines have recently been redrawn and the discussion over the JCP itself has reached a fevered pitch.

Comment another way to spin this... (Score 1) 443

is that Python is becoming so popular that they don't want to support it in any shape or form as it is another avenue that (can) lead away from windows dependence.

I draw this amazing conclusion based on the trends from but using just last 12months and comparing c#, python, java, and ruby.

Comment aah, the old cli vs. gui debate in wolfs clothing (Score 1) 411

sure, I'll chime in.

I use unix and windows but would no longer consider myself an expert in all the bits. Thats why a gui wins when I need to search through files in a file system ... but I digress.

The best advice I've read for scripts had something to do with ennabling a script to know if it was interactive or not and present and appropriate interface accordingly. Whether it was through a flag or checking for some other interactive vs. non type thingy (which I can't recall at the moment. :)

Comment reframe: how can i get my employer to contribute? (Score 1) 332

I'd like to reframe the question as above.

We use OSS where I work (uni.) but a lot of it is through the back door. When our CIO started he disparaged OSS so that the mgr's were wary of suggesting/promoting it. Yet in all the hallway conversations people are pushing it and it has become a significant proportion of our infrastructure, but I do not think it gets the support it deserves.

The vendors get the money but we use OSS/Free software when it is appropriate. So the question I’ve been pondering is how to get the org. to recognize this increasingly obvious fact through more financial support for the projects that are really making a difference.

Of course one big question is: when is OSS/Free software appropriate? Often we rely on vendors because they provide a complete solution where the alternatives just don’t measure up. It’s hard to argue against a COTS solution here, but I feel it often abdicates responsibility for a solution in favor of a check box against the problem.
The Almighty Buck

An Ad Upstart Forces Google to Open Up a Little 58

The Firehose brought us a link from the NYTimes about Quigo. As the Times feed says: "Yahoo and Google are facing a challenge from a tiny adversary named Quigo Technologies over contextual text ads online." And while obviously not in the same financial league, it is good to see more competition in this space.
Sun Microsystems

Sun Releases ODF plugin for Microsoft Office 50

Verunks writes "Microsoft Word users now can easily import and export to the OpenDocument Format. The StarOffice 8 Conversion Technology Preview, a plug-in for Microsoft Word 2003 that allows users of Microsoft Word 2003 to read, edit and save to the OpenDocument Format (ODF) is now available"

VMware-Microsoft Battle Looming 258

An anonymous reader writes "VMWare released a white paper detailing its concerns with license changes on Microsoft software that may limit the ability to move virtual-machine software around data centers to automate the management of computing work. Two choice quotes: '"Microsoft is looking for any way it can to gain the upper hand," said Diane Greene, the president of VMware.' And, '"This seems to be a far more subtle, informed and polished form of competitive aggression than we've seen from Microsoft in the past," said Andrew I. Gavil, a law professor at Howard University. "And Microsoft has no obligation to facilitate a competitor."'"

Is Switching Jobs Too Often a Bad Thing? 208

Career Hot Potato asks: "I've been out of school for little more than a year and I have only good things to say about the job market. So far, there doesn't seem to be any lack of demand for a good .NET developer. I've got to admit, though, I feel a little disloyal at this point. Several great job offers have come my way and I've taken them. My resume is starting to make me look a bit restless and it worries me. Until now I've just chalked it up to 'I'm just settling in,' but now another opportunity has been dropped into my lap. Would I be digging my own grave by taking this job? It'd be my fourth job in 16 months but each offered a promotion and a 30% to 40% raise. I know better than to put a price on job satisfaction but I'm pretty certain I'd be happy there. Is being branded as a 'hot potato' enough to keep you from switching? What's your price on this stigma?"

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