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Comment Re:So basically we're living in the best timeline? (Score 1) 126

At 7KWh, the battery really wont do anything except for the occassional brown/blackout and really how often does that last. if you dont have solar, there's absolute no point in getting one of these. And if you do have solar it'll just make the payoff slightly better. It'll still take you 3-5 years to pay off the powerwall for little to no gain.

Comment Re:Assumptions (Score 4, Interesting) 78

> I think it is far more likely that the pharmacy sells this information to insurance, pharmaceutical, and marketing companies.

This. Pretty much every prescription the doctor writes effectively goes straight to the drug reps. If you stop prescribing, they'll know, and come in and bribe^H^H^H^Hinquire as to why you stopped prescribing their drug.

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