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Comment Bitcoin for pizza (Score 1) 88

Remember the guy that bought two pizzas with 10,000 Bitcoins...

Good luck not making a mistake that like again (or if you're the vendor having the price crash right before you need to buy more supplies...

Comment Nothing will change... (Score 1) 102

Until the customers decide they'd rather carpool with 2 other people (and two other stops) instead of going straight from the airport to their home.

Seriously, I've taken airport vanpools, and being the last stop in the vanpool on your way home *sucks*. Watching 5 other people get off before you isn't fun.

Comment When is GDrive security model coming to Photos? (Score 1) 17

If you want to share photos with people you create a link/album and share it with the recipient. Let's say you want to share it with 10 people. One link/album and share it with the group of people.

If you want to remove one person, you have to unshare the photo/album (thus deleting the URL you emailed out) and create a new share, thereby creating new URL.

Then notify the people that you shared it with...

Why can't we have the simple RBAC model in gDrive...

Comment Simple - Don't (Score 2) 97

The quick answer to your question is: don't.

To start, ASIC is a standalone integrated circuit, and you seem to be aiming at markets where the PCB space is at prime. The real estate on these boards is rather expensive, and no one will add an extra IC just because.

Second, forget about "C" to "HDL" - you seem to misundestand how hardware works. So you have an algorithm, and you have implemented it in "C", but the implementation approach for hardware is probably something very very different, if you want to do it efficiently. Unless you want a co-processor implementing the algorithm, you may need to rethink the implementation from scratch.

Also, why do you need an hardware implementation at all ? Is it for performance issues? For power efficency issues ?

In case you overcome the second point, and you find a proper way to implement things in hardware, I'd suggest to grab some CPU+FPGA fabric device (a Xilinx Zynq or an Intel Cyclone 10) and implement a mixed software-hardware demonstration. Once you get that, try selling the IP core (HDL) and the software glue to SoC manufacturers (although the SoC real estate is also expensive, but you might be luckier).


Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Best Method to Migrate 1000s of photos from Flickr to Google Photo

HockeyPuck writes: With Flickr ending their Free 1TB tier and in February, Flickr will begin deleting any photos you have greater than 1000, what are people using to bulk migrate photos to other services, in particular Google Photos? Are people downloading and then re-uploading? 3rd party Migration services?

Comment How fast they grow up... (Score 4, Informative) 72

My kid is 3yrs old and I got a video montage the other day entitled "how fast they grow up", it had about 2 dozen short video clips stiched together that were from longer videos I had uploaded over the past three years, ordered from the oldest to the newest (showing growing up). I was totally caught off guard by this.


Comment Re:That's small potatoes (Score 2) 112

It makes more sense to spend the money on a M&A than do the research yourself. Let's say you want to offer a new widget/service, you could invest $10m yourself to develop it, or you could let the VC community invest $10m per startup and then you pick the best one. Sure it may cost you most than $10m, but from a financial reporting standpoint, the millions more you spend on the acquisition is better than the $10m you'd spend on R&D. Plus, you're picking the winner out of all the startups out there. It's very likely, that the internally developed product/service you invested in isn't as good as what the startup companies have developed.

Comment Sure local restaurants can handle it (Score 1) 825

I'm sure that the all the restaurants within a few blocks of Uber and Twitter HQ (which are pretty much next to each other) could handle the 5000 employees pouring out of Uber and Twitter between 11:30 and 12:30.

Maybe someone can tell these lawmakers the number of cafeteria works that will be laid off...

Comment Coordinating Afterschool activities (Score 2) 161

In many schools in my area, the children are forbidden from using the phone during school hours. (Detention if the child is caught using the phone during school hours) However, after school they can use it. Also, many students ride their bike to school or their parents drive them.

Seems like students using the phone after school to let their parents know they're being delayed (my bike has a flat, come pick me up) or the parents are running late so that the other party isn't left waiting/worrying why there is a delay, is an appropriate use of the phone.

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