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Comment Re:Open? (Score 1) 54

VirtualBox is GPL2. If you install Oracles proprietary crap, that's your problem.

"This is called "dual licensing". Since Oracle holds all the copyrights to the VirtualBox code, or is at least permitted to relicense code that is owned by external contributors or other parties, we are free to choose the terms under which we license the code to our customers, or the open-source community. "

So any code you submit, you also assign to Oracle so they can release it closed source. So not totally open.

Comment Open? (Score 1) 54

So they want an open and decentralized social network. But the VM images are only in the Oracle owned Virtual Box format? And right now it is only built for new and hard to source appliances, not older desktop easily found in rubbish bins? And I still haven't found what it does that owncloud does not... You would think the web page or wikipedia would have a short "This is what the we do" page somewhere...

Comment Re:To be expected (Score 1) 693

Gnome Flashback is Gnome 2 with the gtk3 under it

Is it really? I tried an installation of RHEL 7, which uses Gnome Classic. As far as I can tell, the only way this is the same as Gnome 2 is in screenshots. The first thing I tried with Gnome3 in RHEL 7 did not work: right click on the panel to add elements. I right clicked on the panel and nothing happened. FAIL!

Hold the left alt key and right click on the panel to add elements. This is a GTK3 default that can be changed.

So, yes some things moved. But the core functionality is the same, and that is what I needed.

Comment Re:Africa, eh? (Score 1) 112

Bullshit, and you'd know it was bullshit if you'd ever been to any of those countries. They refer to themselves by the name of their Nation, not the continent it's located on, just like pretty much everyone else on the planet does.

Actually, my personal favorite is Mexico where the word for norther visitor and the word for diarrhea is the same. Turista. And I guess you are right, as those European's don't seem to be on the same planet most of the time...

Comment Re:I'm disapointed in people (Score 4, Informative) 693

Stacking things by application, regardless of workflow is a serious impediment to some workflow. This is fact, not fear. If a change makes a job take 10% longer, it is a BAD CHANGE. This is something they never grasped. And while it may not be much of an issue for a home user or hobbyist, for people that use Linux on the job, it is major.

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