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Comment Re:nonsense (Score 3, Insightful) 532

I am not impressed by the media narrative.

You will have to do better than that.

That's why I specifically picked media outlets from the "free market" Right. So how about the Wold Health Organization?

How about the Kaiser Foundation? They know a little about health care.

Have you ever wondered why you don't see people from Denmark or Germany or Sweden or Singapore flying over to the US for the superior health care? In fact, you know those stories about all the tens of thousands of Canadians running to the US for health care? It turned out to not be true.

For that matter, have you ever wondered why you don't see those populations fighting to flee their Socialist hellholes and coming to the US as political refugees?

Comment Re:nonsense (Score 4, Informative) 532

What I hear from Canadian patients inspires no envy what so ever.

You should update what you hear. Canada's health care system is ranked 7 spots higher than that of the United States, even before the ACA was implemented.

Even Forbes magazine, no socialist propaganda sheet, ranks Canada's health care system higher. And Bloomberg ranks it twenty-three spots higher in terms of efficiency.

Comment Re:nonsense (Score 5, Insightful) 532

Boy, having socialized health care has really taught Israel, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, Denmark, etc etc etc a lesson. That's why they're all full of "Bolsheviks" now. Hell, you go to Singapore, and it's nothing but Bolsheviks all the way down.

You stupid SOB.

Comment Re:So what? Feel free to move into a cave. (Score 0) 186

Okay, what do you expect? NYC (in one form or another) has been there for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS (the area was first settled in 1624). It's been a massive metropolitan settlement for the better part of the last two hundred.

It's not as if someone went back to 1700 or so and started out with a city planning commission and 2015-level civil engineering technology.
So yes, the city's going to be ANYTHING but efficiently run, plumbed, or laid out.

As opposed to London, Paris, and Tokyo, which were designed and built during the last 50 years, and thus are more efficient.

Okay, what do you expect? NYC (in one form or another) has been there for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS (the area was first settled in 1624).

There was settlement in the area of Paris TEN THOUSAND years ago. And 200 BC (2200 years ago) they were already building forts.
Same with London, two thousand years old (Londinium founded AD 47).

Sigh. Why do people take an argument and ad absurdum it without trying to understand what is being said and what isn't?

I didn't say there weren't older cities out there. I'm simply explaining part of why NYC is the way it is.

If you look at Paris, London and Tokyo, they're all wasteful as well.

Maybe not AS wasteful as NYC. But that could simply be a function of something else as well. There's no straight-line formula for this.

Comment Google doesn't help itself either. (Score 1) 434

Part of the problem with adoption is that many of these releases are radically different from the previous versions.
And of COURSE the carriers are falling down on the job!
When you have to completely replumb an OS over and over and over again, as they do to make sure it's locked down for their network?
They're not equipped for meaningful updates to existing equipment. Small firmware and software updates? Sure. Whole new OS? No fucking way.
They're set up for static hardware and mostly static software release. Then they focus on the next generation. Retrofitting doesn't fit for them.

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