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Comment Re:Hey Hiro... Wanna try some Snow Crash? (Score 3, Informative) 215

Interestingly, Stephenson is also the one who coined the modern use of 'Avatar' in virtual worlds.

Not true. In recent editions of Snow Crash (a fine book) Neal admits he did not coin "avatar":

After the first publication of Snow Crash, I learned that the term "avatar" has actually been in use for a number of years as part of a virtual reality system called Habitat, developed by F. Rnadall Farmer and Chip Morningstar. This system runs on Commodore 64 computers, and though it has all but died out in the U.S., is still popular in Japan. In addition to avatars, Habitat includes many of the basic features of the Metaverse as described in this book.

Comment Thanks Obama! (Score 1) 135

As someone who is making ASICs for 4G (including LTE and WiMAX) $7.2 billion for 4G wireless is stimulus I can really believe in!

(I hope no one tells him that many rich people are going to get a lot richer thanks to this. Or that it would have been done anyway without the "stimulus" because it's a huge fat cash cow!)

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 1077

Besides the proper trouncing that Jonner already gave you (see! I knew you weren't a programmer.) Why don't you tell me what some of those common abbreviations/acronyms/alphabetisms in most assembly languages mean. BEQ? BNE? JMP? MOV? MULT? ADD?

I suspect you won't bother to try again.

Comment Re:Rehash... (Score 1) 858

Second you are listing a sales price with both a $499 sales discount and a 3% special club discount while comparing the MacPro at full retail without any discount. Apples to Oranges

That's because Apple's are never discounted. What choice is there to compare? Pure retail undiscounted Dell that no one in their right mind ever buys?

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