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Comment Re:One more person discovers the cloud is terrible (Score 1) 70

You're right: the cloud isn't going away.

What should go away is for-hire cloud services from monopolistic and abusive vendors. My hope is that people will eventually be able to deploy and manage their own clouds without paying a fortune to, or having your data pilfered by Big Data giants, thereby giving the Microsofts, Amazons and other Googles the middle finger they so richly deserve.

Comment Self-hosting never left, but... (Score 3, Insightful) 134

The idea may be being talked about again thanks to IPv6 removing a lot of connectivity blocks, but it won't make a comeback because of the same old reasons. Most people are on a residential ISP with limited upstream bandwidth and policies in place that prohibit running servers. The ISP has the ability to block ports even with IPv6, meaning they can make things like email simply Not Work (at least not easily and without support for non-standard port numbers on the client side). They can also deploy the threat of terminating your service entirely, making the risk too high for most people.

Comment One more person discovers the cloud is terrible (Score 2) 70

Maybe, just maybe, just like in the 80s when the personal computer finally broke the mainframe monopolies and freed us from insufferable BOFHs on power trips and insane pricings, someone or something will come along to break the cloud monopolies.

And then we'll be free again, until the next bunch of suckers lets history repeat itself once more. But I'll be long dead by then.

Comment Re:AND IN "NO SHIT, SHERLOCK" NEWS.... (Score 1) 46

They were popular but they were famously bug-ridden and unstable. Nobody misses Windows 95 or XP, btw.

Hell, NT was the first moderately stable OS they had, and that was just because someone had the bright idea to halt new feature development for a period of time and focus on fixing what they already made.

Comment Re:I am going to roasted for this but is Amazon wr (Score 3, Interesting) 70

I'd classify it as "overhead" to AWS rather than any single account. Individual accounts don't get billed for unauthorized access attempts, at least not directly. AWS totals up the cost of handling those unauthorized requests and factors it into the costs of their services. Then those costs get spread across all accounts, so for each account it amounts to a fixed percentage of their bill that goes to paying for "overhead".

Or permit us to isolate the service endpoints behind a firewall or vnet, like I'd do going the traditional route, so the Internet at large couldn't hit them with unauthorized requests.

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